We're using IC51.41 (latest USR6), configured with latest MMSIM71.
Once in a while, a simulation goes beyond 2GB (tran.tran file for
example). The Artist environment is unable to read a file this
large. There are ways to setup spectre to splice the file in
manageable pieces before the fact. But does anyone know how to read
the large file after the fact? I am not aware of 64bit icfb/ADE
environment in the IC5 stream.... I think IC6X has 64bit option, but
I don't wish to cdb2oa my entire schematic hierarchy .. any ideas?
We're using IC51.41 (latest USR6), configured with latest MMSIM71.
Once in a while, a simulation goes beyond 2GB (tran.tran file for
example). The Artist environment is unable to read a file this
large. There are ways to setup spectre to splice the file in
manageable pieces before the fact. But does anyone know how to read
the large file after the fact? I am not aware of 64bit icfb/ADE
environment in the IC5 stream.... I think IC6X has 64bit option, but
I don't wish to cdb2oa my entire schematic hierarchy .. any ideas?