RDL NTS-1000 phase noise testers

Hi, I am looking for any information to help maintain and service the
RDL/Aeroflex NTS-1000A or the NTS-1000B phase noise analyzers. There was
never a factory service manual produced for either instrument. The operating
manual has only a cursory and very much simplified block diagram. Somewhere,
someone must have engineering drawings, copies of schematics, personal notes,
or something related to the detailed internal design of these units. I own
two of the NTS-1000B units, both in very good condition, that I'd like to
keep in service for some time. I am very much hoping to find someone who has
worked at RDL in Conshohocken, PA. I am willing to pay for any assistance,
or for copies of relevant and useful information. Aeroflex in Wichita has
now ceased all support for the RDL product line.

I also would like information on any of the companion DCR series low noise
down-converters, especially the DCR-14000A.

Thank you.
Have you had any luck obtaining info on NTS-1000B?
I have the DCR-14000A user manual in paper format, but
nothing on NTS-1000B.
Hi, sorry for the delay in answering.
I have only factory manuals for both instruments.
I can scan and send you a copy of the NTS-1000B operating manual.
I have no detailed factory information useful to support these units.
I have inspected and drawn up detailed block diagrams for each.
At least, as much as possible, since the NTS-1000 gets rather difficult.
I can send you copies as PDFs if you wish.
I have thrown a pretty large net looking for info on these machines and have mostly come up empty.
It is a shame to let these useful units die off simply to due neglect.
On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 8:42:52 AM UTC-8, dpad...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, sorry for the delay in answering.
I have only factory manuals for both instruments.
I can scan and send you a copy of the NTS-1000B operating manual.
I have no detailed factory information useful to support these units.
I have inspected and drawn up detailed block diagrams for each.
At least, as much as possible, since the NTS-1000 gets rather difficult.
I can send you copies as PDFs if you wish.
I have thrown a pretty large net looking for info on these machines and have mostly come up empty.
It is a shame to let these useful units die off simply to due neglect.

I'm also interested in those PDFs. Please send if not too difficult.
Hi I just bought a NTS-1000B. Can you send me a copy of the operation manual as well ? (PDF) I ask myself if there was a programing manual for this, since it has a GPIB conector, or is this part of the user manual

thank you

Le mercredi 11 novembre 2015 11:42:52 UTC-5, dpad...@gmail.com a Êcrit :
Hi, sorry for the delay in answering.
I have only factory manuals for both instruments.
I can scan and send you a copy of the NTS-1000B operating manual.
I have no detailed factory information useful to support these units.
I have inspected and drawn up detailed block diagrams for each.
At least, as much as possible, since the NTS-1000 gets rather difficult.
I can send you copies as PDFs if you wish.
I have thrown a pretty large net looking for info on these machines and have mostly come up empty.
It is a shame to let these useful units die off simply to due neglect.
Le samedi 7 janvier 2017 22:18:24 UTC+1, gsh...@gmail.com a Êcrit :
On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 8:42:52 AM UTC-8, dpad...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, sorry for the delay in answering.
I have only factory manuals for both instruments.
I can scan and send you a copy of the NTS-1000B operating manual.
I have no detailed factory information useful to support these units.
I have inspected and drawn up detailed block diagrams for each.
At least, as much as possible, since the NTS-1000 gets rather difficult..
I can send you copies as PDFs if you wish.
I have thrown a pretty large net looking for info on these machines and have mostly come up empty.
It is a shame to let these useful units die off simply to due neglect.

I'm also interested in those PDFs. Please send if not too difficult.

Did you get this manual? I am extremely interested in a pdf of it.
thank you very much
On Monday, June 22, 2015 at 2:48:39 PM UTC-4, pt....@gmail.com wrote:
Have you had any luck obtaining info on NTS-1000B?
I have the DCR-14000A user manual in paper format, but
nothing on NTS-1000B.

I would like to get a copy of DCR-14000A
I was the designer of the NTS-1000 in 1994,and just came across this post. Glad to see that people are still using these. I don't have the original drawings but could possibly answer any questions.
responding to
, skyth wrote:
pt.haka wrote:

Have you had any luck obtaining info on NTS-1000B?
I have the DCR-14000A user manual in paper format, but
nothing on NTS-1000B.

We just bought a NTS-1000B and a DCR-2500A, but it difficult to find user
manuals. Could you please send me a copy of the operation manual(PDF) for
DCR-14000A as well? My e-mail address: wanghan9603@foxmail.com.
sincere thanks to you
responding to
, guarneri00 wrote:
Hi there,

I have just acquired an RDL NTS-1000A and it will be shipped here soon. I
would really appreciate if someone can email me a copy of any documentation
(user's manual, any other notes etc) - would like to figure out how to operate
and use it (even a copy of other similar models, like NTS-1000B would be
greatly appreciated!)

Thanks a lot,

responding to
, guarneri00 wrote:
(don't see my msg, so posting again. Sorry for the duplicate.)


I just bought a RDL NTS-1000A and it will be shipped here soon. Can anybody
send me a copy of the operation manual as well? (PDF) - even if it is for
NTS-1000B. I am just trying to figure out how to operate it as a user.

Thanks a lot!


responding to
, guarneri00 wrote:
dpadrick wrote:

Hi, sorry for the delay in answering.
I have only factory manuals for both instruments.
I can scan and send you a copy of the NTS-1000B operating manual.
I have no detailed factory information useful to support these units.
I have inspected and drawn up detailed block diagrams for each.
At least, as much as possible, since the NTS-1000 gets rather difficult.

I can send you copies as PDFs if you wish.
I have thrown a pretty large net looking for info on these machines and
have mostly come up empty.
It is a shame to let these useful units die off simply to due neglect.


I am a new owner of an NTS-1000B, but don't have any documentation etc. Could
you please send me the PDF's of the operating manual, and other block diagrams
of how it works etc. Basically, just looking for as much info as possible to
understand, operate and maintain this instrument.

Thanks a lot,

responding to
, guarneri00 wrote:
darrylschick wrote:

I was the designer of the NTS-1000 in 1994,and just came across this
post. Glad to see that people are still using these. I don't have the
original drawings but could possibly answer any questions.

Hi Darryl - I just acquired an NTS-1000B and trying to understand it better.
Can you explain how the noise floor of NTS-1000B + DCR-14000A drops to -147db
at 10kHz, whereas the noise floor of NTS-1000B is -130db at 10kHz?

Also, what limits the noise floor of NTS-1000B to -130db? Trying to figure
out if there is some quick way to increase the sensitivity (e.g. by changing
LNA or ADC etc? Don't actually have the block diagram, so don't quite know
how it works. Some high level explanation would be appreciated (I do
understand the basics of delay-line based phase noise measurement system, per
Agilent docs etc.)

I have some signal generators that go down to < 140db at 10kHz, and would like
to measure them.

I have successfully used a frequency doubler (followed by a mixer/filter) to
increase the sensitivity by 6db - will experiment with higher multipliers,
down-converters etc. However, this approach limits the input frequency (to
what the multiplier expects.) . e.g. I have a frequency west 30x brick, but it
requires an input of 100Mhz.)

Looking forward to your take on this. Thanks!


PS: Do you have a copy of your paper that you wrote on this system? I saw a
reference to it via google, but can't get to a PDF etc.
responding to
, Billy wrote:
darrylschick wrote:

I was the designer of the NTS-1000 in 1994,and just came across this
post. Glad to see that people are still using these. I don't have the
original drawings but could possibly answer any questions.

What's the easiest way to replace the CMOS battery?

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