I am using a VR510 power supply out of my bedroom VCR in my VR604HF
I can't find specs or cross ref on these parts
VR604HF RCA power supply
4N3DL200 Diodes 3 lead board shows anode and cathode don't know
what third lead is for both show shorted
C5039F 447 3 lead
40240 2 lead diode some show shorted
Display started to fade, then would work OK, hit play button and
display would fade and blink, now dead. fuse OK
I have removed and checked all electrolytics
Any advice appreciated
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I can't find specs or cross ref on these parts
VR604HF RCA power supply
4N3DL200 Diodes 3 lead board shows anode and cathode don't know
what third lead is for both show shorted
C5039F 447 3 lead
40240 2 lead diode some show shorted
Display started to fade, then would work OK, hit play button and
display would fade and blink, now dead. fuse OK
I have removed and checked all electrolytics
Any advice appreciated
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