RCA PTK195B Chassis - In Good Order - Free...


Steve Reinis

Time to get rid of stuff that has become useless!

I have this complete lightbox just sitting in my garage now. It's from
an RCA 52" Projection set made in 1997. Chassis is a PTK195B. It operates
fine and is very clean, but be forwarned that it had been used as a "toy!"
The CRT sub assembly is now pointing out forward instead of upwards.
Convergence and geometry has been changed drastically to allow for use of
this chassis as a front projector. No problem to reset if you have
ChipperCheck, but be prepared to sit for a few hours playing with the
digital convergence if you lack ChipperCheck and wish to install this
chassis back into a cabinet.

It all operates fine, but I'm sure there are screws missing here and
there from when it was all disassembled to become a front projection unit.
Most all cables have been unbundled from the twist ties to allow for

CRTs have slight, even screen burn from normal use. There are no images
burned into the tubes, just a normal rectangle that is darker from the
normal raster/scan. All tubes are still sharp and bright. Coolant is
clean and clear on all tubes. Blue coolant has been changed not too long
ago, no coolant has ever leaked. I also have the RCA remote control and
owners manual to go with the chassis.

Free to anyone who is willing to pick it up in the Fort Worth, Texas
area. Reply to this message with a way to contact you and we'll go from
there. I can supply photos if you wish to see the unit.


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