Ron Novini
Have an unusual problem with an RCA Model F31632E1 (Chassis CTC 187 CK).
It appears as a pincushion problem which the customer experienced a year
before. Also it had a tendency to shutdown. When the set is turned on,
it takes a while before all four sides bounce in towards the center and
retreat to the outside. Once started, this effect perpetuates itself.
I did the normal tuner wrap. At the same time I replaced the damper
CR4402, the pin diode CR4403, as well as CR4401. C4402,C4403, and C4405
checked good. The effect remain the same. However, it now took hours for
it to appear. I then replaced all the transistors on the pincushion
(Q4804,Q4806,Q4805,Q4851 as well as CR4851). I did not replace U4851
(LM311N). The effect remained. At this point, I began to notice when
the picture converged in and out, the on screen "Stereo" indicator would
also come on and off in timing with the convergence. At this point, I
suspected problems in the power supply. I replaced the horizontal out
Q4401, the B+ rectifier CR4106, the filter cap (which has a tendency
to go bad) C4105. I resoldered the pins on the regulator U4101 which had
been done at an earlier time. The problem still persists although it
seems to occur sooner. Has anyone ever encountered this time consuming
problem? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead. Ron.
Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG
It appears as a pincushion problem which the customer experienced a year
before. Also it had a tendency to shutdown. When the set is turned on,
it takes a while before all four sides bounce in towards the center and
retreat to the outside. Once started, this effect perpetuates itself.
I did the normal tuner wrap. At the same time I replaced the damper
CR4402, the pin diode CR4403, as well as CR4401. C4402,C4403, and C4405
checked good. The effect remain the same. However, it now took hours for
it to appear. I then replaced all the transistors on the pincushion
(Q4804,Q4806,Q4805,Q4851 as well as CR4851). I did not replace U4851
(LM311N). The effect remained. At this point, I began to notice when
the picture converged in and out, the on screen "Stereo" indicator would
also come on and off in timing with the convergence. At this point, I
suspected problems in the power supply. I replaced the horizontal out
Q4401, the B+ rectifier CR4106, the filter cap (which has a tendency
to go bad) C4105. I resoldered the pins on the regulator U4101 which had
been done at an earlier time. The problem still persists although it
seems to occur sooner. Has anyone ever encountered this time consuming
problem? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead. Ron.
Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG