Radioshack PCB kit


Matt Warnock

I bought the kit from radioshack that lets you make pcb boards, but hte
instructions are pretty lousy. i'm curious if there is a way to design the
PCB on the computer, print it out and somehow transfer this to board. Or
perhaps better instructions. Any suggestions?
Matt Warnock wrote:

I bought the kit from radioshack that lets you make pcb boards, but hte
instructions are pretty lousy. i'm curious if there is a way to design the
PCB on the computer, print it out and somehow transfer this to board. Or
perhaps better instructions. Any suggestions?

Start googling. There is a large body of knowledge on PCB making, and
ways of getting circuits made without actually etching PCBs.

I _think_ the ARRL handbook ( still tells you how to make
PCBs. I don't even know if Popular Electronics or any of it's ilk still
exist, but if they do you should get some copies and look for book ads.

You may also want to check out some of the less expensive CAD packages
out there. I'm currently playing with Eagle, but there are others.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
"Matt Warnock" <> wrote in message
I bought the kit from radioshack that lets you make pcb boards, but hte
instructions are pretty lousy. i'm curious if there is a way to design
PCB on the computer, print it out and somehow transfer this to board. Or
perhaps better instructions. Any suggestions?

Leon Heller, G1HSM
"Matt Warnock" <> wrote:

I bought the kit from radioshack that lets you make pcb boards, but hte
instructions are pretty lousy. i'm curious if there is a way to design the
PCB on the computer, print it out and somehow transfer this to board. Or
perhaps better instructions. Any suggestions?
See my notes and links to some 60 ECAD programs at

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 23:19:19 -0400, "Matt Warnock" <>

I bought the kit from radioshack that lets you make pcb boards, but hte
instructions are pretty lousy. i'm curious if there is a way to design the
PCB on the computer, print it out and somehow transfer this to board. Or
perhaps better instructions. Any suggestions?
You may want to check out my instructions for hand-drawn PCBs at

For small and even moderate-sized circuits it is fairly
easy to hand-draw from a template, which you can make
from a CAD program if you want, or work it out on
0.1" gridded paper. (Gridded mylar is better, since you
can erase indefinitely.) This is the "poor man's CAD",
but for small circuits it is fast and convenient, often
faster than fooling around with the CAD.

Hope this helps!

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
...instructions are pretty lousy.
...a way to design the PCB on the computer ?
Matt Warnock
The 1st page you want to read:

Terry's page is the starting point for PCB software.
EAGLE is nice. The free version does 80mm x 100mm (~3" x ~4").

If you have access to a laser printer and a clothes iron,
this stuff makes life easy:
An even cheaper way (YMMV):

Mike Harrison's page is the starting point for etching.

The Yahoo group is an excellent suggestion.

Searching the Google archives for sci.electronics.cad
would have given you some insight.
"Matt Warnock" <> wrote in message news:<>...
I bought the kit from radioshack that lets you make pcb boards, but hte
instructions are pretty lousy. i'm curious if there is a way to design the
PCB on the computer, print it out and somehow transfer this to board. Or
perhaps better instructions. Any suggestions?

Here is *exactly* what you are looking for:


Tom Gootee

Welcome to

