Radio Shack T&A trend



Has anyone noticed a trend toward the hiring of shapely young clerks who
haven't a clue about electronics? Not a lot of women do (beyond using
computers and cellphones), but some effort should be made at a store
dedicated to that stuff!

At two different Radio Shacks in central CA, a sales babe:

A) Didn't know what a UPS was, but managed to catch on when the words
uninterruptible and power supply were mentioned. Then showed a dismal
knowledge of what their one model actually did.

B) Couldn't guess what a photoelectric controlled LED nightlight night be.
Made a move toward the small parts drawers and had to be redirected. When
it was explained three times that it's not a battery-powered cupboard
light, rather one that plugs into a wall, she STILL didn't get it until a
point-by-point explanation was offered. But they didn't stock one anyhow.

Both were jiggly and nice to look at but it must be embarrassing to get
second-guessed by customers all day long.

On Sat, 01 Nov 2008 04:17:56 +0000, J.C. wrote:

Has anyone noticed a trend toward the hiring of shapely young clerks who
haven't a clue about electronics? Not a lot of women do (beyond using
computers and cellphones), but some effort should be made at a store
dedicated to that stuff!

At two different Radio Shacks in central CA, a sales babe:

A) Didn't know what a UPS was, but managed to catch on when the words
uninterruptible and power supply were mentioned. Then showed a dismal
knowledge of what their one model actually did.

B) Couldn't guess what a photoelectric controlled LED nightlight night
be. Made a move toward the small parts drawers and had to be redirected.
When it was explained three times that it's not a battery-powered
cupboard light, rather one that plugs into a wall, she STILL didn't get
it until a point-by-point explanation was offered. But they didn't stock
one anyhow.

Both were jiggly and nice to look at but it must be embarrassing to get
second-guessed by customers all day long.

For a while the smartest clerks at our local Radio Shack (Oregon City,
OR) were a couple of very sharp young women -- they had it all over the
zit faced boys who _thought_ they knew their stuff.

But yea, they seem to be hiring for looks up here too.


Tim Wescott
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On Sat, 01 Nov 2008 04:17:56 -0000, J.C. <> wrote:

Has anyone noticed a trend toward the hiring of shapely young clerks who
haven't a clue about electronics? Not a lot of women do (beyond using
computers and cellphones), but some effort should be made at a store
dedicated to that stuff!

At two different Radio Shacks in central CA, a sales babe:

A) Didn't know what a UPS was, but managed to catch on when the words
uninterruptible and power supply were mentioned. Then showed a dismal
knowledge of what their one model actually did.

B) Couldn't guess what a photoelectric controlled LED nightlight night be.
Made a move toward the small parts drawers and had to be redirected. When
it was explained three times that it's not a battery-powered cupboard
light, rather one that plugs into a wall, she STILL didn't get it until a
point-by-point explanation was offered. But they didn't stock one anyhow.

Both were jiggly and nice to look at but it must be embarrassing to get
second-guessed by customers all day long.
It made you enter the shop though, didn;t it?


There are three blondes stranded on an island. Suddenly a fairy appears and offers to grant each one of them one wish.
The first blonde asks to be intelligent. Instantly, she is turned into a brown haired woman and she swims off the island.
The next one asks to be even more intelligent than the previous one, so instantly she is turned into a black haired woman. The black haired woman builds a boat and sails off the island.
The third blonde asks to become even more intelligent than the previous two. The fairy turns her into a man, and he walks across the bridge.
On Sat, 01 Nov 2008 04:17:56 +0000, "J.C." <> wrote:

Has anyone noticed a trend toward the hiring of shapely young clerks who
haven't a clue about electronics? Not a lot of women do (beyond using
computers and cellphones), but some effort should be made at a store
dedicated to that stuff!

At two different Radio Shacks in central CA, a sales babe:

All of my electronic hobby experience has evolved from bobby-pins in
wall sockets to Olson's and today Radio Shack exclusively.

I also have made this observation of today's Radio Shack hiring what
in my younger day we called "Eye Candy".

I wonder what the new motto will be, instead of:

"You have question, we've got answers", That was always laughable!

How about: "Babes in Toy land"

Also I have noticed they are attempting to carry "more" of the little
parts with very little retirement of the old stuff they have carried
over the last five years. (Nothing dropped since the 4013 & 4017)

I have snail mailed RS Customer Care on several occasions about
several issues like carrying a double side copper clad board and "not"
a single side is ridiculous for the home hobbyist.

Always totally ignored!

They know who I am, they swipe my webpage projects (not a better ones)
as seen in this video below by clicking on the guys face and looking
at the web address on the schematic. They erased my name but left

They need to collect input through their webpage of what the home
hobbyist would like them to stock. Four or five models of junk
soldering irons I have never had any luck with proper heating tells me
they are out of touch with the needs of the people that originally
made them who they were and who they could become today!

There is nothing like being able to zip over to a RS store and grab
something needed when working on a weekend project.

Ok, I feel better now, this is so therapeutic. ')

* * * *


Temecula CA.USA
I live in Fort Worth, the Home of RS. All true for the above. We have some
Plusses, if you want to call them that. Gone are the Geeks replaced by rap
music in the background, Binglish, or speak very little English at all. Ah
well so goes the southwestern U.S. The lesson here is become conversant in
more than one kind of English or foreign language.

"Christopher" <> wrote in message
On Sat, 01 Nov 2008 04:17:56 +0000, "J.C." <> wrote:

Has anyone noticed a trend toward the hiring of shapely young clerks who
haven't a clue about electronics? Not a lot of women do (beyond using
computers and cellphones), but some effort should be made at a store
dedicated to that stuff!

At two different Radio Shacks in central CA, a sales babe:

All of my electronic hobby experience has evolved from bobby-pins in
wall sockets to Olson's and today Radio Shack exclusively.

I also have made this observation of today's Radio Shack hiring what
in my younger day we called "Eye Candy".

I wonder what the new motto will be, instead of:

"You have question, we've got answers", That was always laughable!

How about: "Babes in Toy land"

Also I have noticed they are attempting to carry "more" of the little
parts with very little retirement of the old stuff they have carried
over the last five years. (Nothing dropped since the 4013 & 4017)

I have snail mailed RS Customer Care on several occasions about
several issues like carrying a double side copper clad board and "not"
a single side is ridiculous for the home hobbyist.

Always totally ignored!

They know who I am, they swipe my webpage projects (not a better ones)
as seen in this video below by clicking on the guys face and looking
at the web address on the schematic. They erased my name but left

They need to collect input through their webpage of what the home
hobbyist would like them to stock. Four or five models of junk
soldering irons I have never had any luck with proper heating tells me
they are out of touch with the needs of the people that originally
made them who they were and who they could become today!

There is nothing like being able to zip over to a RS store and grab
something needed when working on a weekend project.

Ok, I feel better now, this is so therapeutic. ')

* * * *


Temecula CA.USA

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