Radio attenuation with resistors


Andrew Howard

I was just wondering, if you have a high frequency radio with an
antenna, what would happen if you put a resistor before the antenna (in
parallel and/or series with).
Would it just attenuate it, or are there other effects as well?
Would doing the reverse (removing a resistor) stuff any thing up?

Andrew Howard
Andrew Howard wrote:
I was just wondering, if you have a high frequency radio with an
antenna, what would happen if you put a resistor before the antenna
(in parallel and/or series with).
Would it just attenuate it, or are there other effects as well?
Yes, a large resistor in series, or a small resistor in parallel, would
attenuate the signal. Small / large in this context is relative to antenna
impendance which is normally pretty low e.g. 50 ohms.

Would doing the reverse (removing a resistor) stuff any thing up?
It depends. If the resistor is acting as an attenuator, then removal might
cause overload.
If the resistor was biasing the gate of a JFET pre-amp then removal would
stop if from working.
Andrew Holme wrote:
Andrew Howard wrote:
I was just wondering, if you have a high frequency radio with an
antenna, what would happen if you put a resistor before the antenna
(in parallel and/or series with).
Would it just attenuate it, or are there other effects as well?

Yes, a large resistor in series, or a small resistor in parallel, would
attenuate the signal. Small / large in this context is relative to
impendance which is normally pretty low e.g. 50 ohms.

Would doing the reverse (removing a resistor) stuff any thing up?

It depends. If the resistor is acting as an attenuator, then removal
cause overload.
If the resistor was biasing the gate of a JFET pre-amp then removal would
stop if from working.
Thanks for the info.

Andrew Howard

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