You know how when you move a battery radio close to a electro magnetic /
electro mechanical device, it picks up static and noise? well I recently
bought an exercise machine, and was surprised to find that when I used
it, and was listening to a radio nearby, the radio went 'beserk'! So I
kept moving the radio further away, but was still getting the
interference. So I checked to see how far it would need to be removed to
avoid interference, and was surprised to discover that it was still
picking up static and noise from the exercise machine several rooms
away! I then took it outside to a distance of about 15 metres and it was
still getting interference! My question is.. what does this signify or
indicate? Does it mean that the machine is harmful to health in some
way? My experience has always been that moving a radio away from
electronic devices by just one to a few meters will cause the
interference to cease. and since the radio is battery operated, it
cannot be picking up interference via the mains. ???. Thanks for any help.
This is the machine.. http://tinyurl.com/home-exercise-gym
If Julia is the answer, then what was the stupid question?!
Wayne Swan threatening the Banks, is a bit like being savaged by a dead sheep!
"The only way right now to restore integrity to our Parliament, to restore the reputation of our polity, is for this sad and sorry Parliament to be dissolved and for there to be an election" - Tony Abbott, Federal Opposition Leader
Give Juliar the boot!.. http://ausnet.info/pics/boot.jpg
electro mechanical device, it picks up static and noise? well I recently
bought an exercise machine, and was surprised to find that when I used
it, and was listening to a radio nearby, the radio went 'beserk'! So I
kept moving the radio further away, but was still getting the
interference. So I checked to see how far it would need to be removed to
avoid interference, and was surprised to discover that it was still
picking up static and noise from the exercise machine several rooms
away! I then took it outside to a distance of about 15 metres and it was
still getting interference! My question is.. what does this signify or
indicate? Does it mean that the machine is harmful to health in some
way? My experience has always been that moving a radio away from
electronic devices by just one to a few meters will cause the
interference to cease. and since the radio is battery operated, it
cannot be picking up interference via the mains. ???. Thanks for any help.
This is the machine.. http://tinyurl.com/home-exercise-gym
If Julia is the answer, then what was the stupid question?!
Wayne Swan threatening the Banks, is a bit like being savaged by a dead sheep!
"The only way right now to restore integrity to our Parliament, to restore the reputation of our polity, is for this sad and sorry Parliament to be dissolved and for there to be an election" - Tony Abbott, Federal Opposition Leader
Give Juliar the boot!.. http://ausnet.info/pics/boot.jpg