Bernt-Johan Bergshaven
I'm currently working with a student rocket, and inside this rocket we
want to use a data collector with a telemeric sender. This is a
commercial product called, R-DAS. (see
http://home.iae.nl/users/aed/rdas/ ). Available for to this r-das is
several addon modules, including a GPS sender. All theese modules use
an I2C bus to communicate with the moder board which sends the data to
the ground. I want to use my own GSP sender and make a board to
communicate with the moderboard. I'll be using a AVR uC.
My problem is that the company producing R-DAS won't give me any
information regarding the protocols used in communication with the
moder board, nor any adresses on the bus.
My question to you is if there are anyone out there with such
information, or if there are anyone with good ideas on how I can
figure this out by measurment or testing?
If there are anyone who would like to reply to my mail, rather than
posting on this group; bernt(remove this)@netbase.no .
Thank you
Bernt-Johan Bergshaven
I'm currently working with a student rocket, and inside this rocket we
want to use a data collector with a telemeric sender. This is a
commercial product called, R-DAS. (see
http://home.iae.nl/users/aed/rdas/ ). Available for to this r-das is
several addon modules, including a GPS sender. All theese modules use
an I2C bus to communicate with the moder board which sends the data to
the ground. I want to use my own GSP sender and make a board to
communicate with the moderboard. I'll be using a AVR uC.
My problem is that the company producing R-DAS won't give me any
information regarding the protocols used in communication with the
moder board, nor any adresses on the bus.
My question to you is if there are anyone out there with such
information, or if there are anyone with good ideas on how I can
figure this out by measurment or testing?
If there are anyone who would like to reply to my mail, rather than
posting on this group; bernt(remove this)@netbase.no .
Thank you
Bernt-Johan Bergshaven