Quick Test for Optocoupler needed



I need to test a Sharp PC817 Optocoupler.

Can I apply a 1.5 volt AA cell to pins 1 and 2 (pin 1 the positive side)..
then simply check the change in resistance with a VOM on the output sid
(pins 3 and 4)....

Will that work as a quick test?



Posted through http://www.Electronics-Related.com
bobjbecker wrote:
I need to test a Sharp PC817 Optocoupler.

Can I apply a 1.5 volt AA cell to pins 1 and 2 (pin 1 the positive side)...
then simply check the change in resistance with a VOM on the output side
(pins 3 and 4)....

Will that work as a quick test?



Posted through http://www.Electronics-Related.com
Are you trying to blow the input?
You are shorting a battery with a photodiode.
Put at least 300 ohm in series.
Or read the documentation on the optocoupler.
On Sun, 16 May 2010 22:01:10 -0500, "bobjbecker"
<bob@n_o_s_p_a_m.DreamProductionsDJ.com> wrote:

I need to test a Sharp PC817 Optocoupler.

Can I apply a 1.5 volt AA cell to pins 1 and 2 (pin 1 the positive side)...
then simply check the change in resistance with a VOM on the output side
(pins 3 and 4)....

Will that work as a quick test?

The LED in the opto, like pretty much all LEDs, must be current-limited.
In this case, the absolute max is 50 mA. It looks like 10-ish mA would
be a good target so, assuming your cell is 1.5 V (measure it) and the
LED drops a "typical" 1.2 V (although it may be as much as 1.4), then
using a 22 ohm resistor between the cell and the anode terminal should
give you around 10 to 15 mA through the LED.

On the other side, the opto is set up in an "open collector"
configuration. This is very common with optocouplers. When it's not
"turned on," the transistor is off and "floats" unless it is pulled-up
to some level. When it's fully on, it acts like a transistor switch and
connects the collector side to the emitter side (neglecting for the
moment max current limits and Vce at saturation).

Set up your test like this (use Courier or another fixed-width font):

| 330 |
| | test point
| _/ ___ |
o-------o/ o-------|___|--. o---------o
| switch 22 | |
| | | .-o
--- | |/ |
- 1.5V V -> -| |
| - |> |
| | | |
| | PC817 | |
| | | '
(created by AACircuit v1.28.6 beta 04/19/05 www.tech-chat.de)

and connect a voltmeter at the test points. When the switch is open then
you should see pretty much the full battery voltage across the opto.
With the switch shut, the opto should turn on and you'll see somewhere
around 0.5 V or less on the meter.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
bobjbecker wrote:
I need to test a Sharp PC817 Optocoupler.

Can I apply a 1.5 volt AA cell to pins 1 and 2 (pin 1 the positive side)...
then simply check the change in resistance with a VOM on the output side
(pins 3 and 4)....

Will that work as a quick test?



Posted through http://www.Electronics-Related.com
If you're trying to determine if the coupler is operational, connecting
1.5 directly will make it non operational in no time. You need to
current limit the source.. If you have a current limited supply that you
can set to around 20 ma's, then you can use that method how ever, if you
don't, use a resistor in series.
On May 16, 8:01 pm, "bobjbecker"
<bob@n_o_s_p_a_m.DreamProductionsDJ.com> wrote:
I need to test a Sharp PC817 Optocoupler.

Can I apply a 1.5 volt AA cell to pins 1 and 2 (pin 1 the positive side)....
then simply check the change in resistance
No, of course not. It isn't a relay.

You can connect the LED cathode to the transistor emitter, and treat
the resulting three-terminal device as a transistor; a curve tracer
should show the operating characteristic (and what you want to
check will be the 'current transfer ratio' which corresponds
to the transistor 'beta' measurement). The important
part of this, is the LED current is specified at 5 mA for this
measurement (so a multimeter's 'beta check' feature won't
likely work, you really need a semiconductor curve tracer).

I presume, by 'quick check', you would prefer something simpler?
You could wire up an oscillator to drive the LED input, and look
for the output to switch an idiot light on and off... it'd be easy
to use a self-blinking LED for the input, and a simple LED for
the output, with output limit resistor and a 9V battery...

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