David Ashley
I'm studying opencores' ddr source for insight. I
see it makes use of the unisim fddrrse model,
which is very simple -- 2 D inputs, 1 Q output,
Set/reset/enable inputs, 2 clock inputs. If
either clock input goes low to high, Q output
reflects input settings. Just for reference here
it is, but this isn't really the point.
if ( rising_edge(C0) = true) then
if (R = '1') then
Q <= '0' after 100 ps;
elsif (S = '1' ) then
Q <= '1' after 100 ps;
elsif (CE = '1' ) then
Q <= D0 after 100 ps;
end if;
elsif (rising_edge(C1) = true ) then
if (R = '1') then
Q <= '0' after 100 ps;
elsif (S = '1' ) then
Q <= '1' after 100 ps;
elsif (CE = '1') then
Q <= D1 after 100 ps;
end if;
end if;
The Xilinx fpga's have their IOB's, which have
the DDR output block in hardware. The opencores
DDR module doesn't seem to indicate the direct
connections to the IOB's that would have to be
done internal to the chip -- the behaviour is just
written out logically. For synthesis, it skips over
the model for the fddrrse. But elsewhere in the
vhdl code it adds a layer in between the fddrrse
block and the outside world, basically
-- Tristate-Buffer fuer dqs_q
gen_dqs : for n in 0 to DDR_DQS_WIDTH-1 generate
dqs_q <= 'Z' when dqsz_q='1' else dqs;
end generate gen_dqs;
dqs is mapped to the 'q' output of an fddrrse. dqsz_q
is another signal which just indicates when the output
should be Z or not.
dqs_q is part of the DDR controller's interface, and
presumably would end up getting mapped to the IOB
by the synthesizer. Those pins would connect directly
to a DDR device.
Now after this long-winded introduction is the question:
Is this all that's necessary to have a synthesizable
code snippet using the IOB's? I mean, in order for
this to work the synthesizer would have to have a
model of the IOB's and know that the imposed tri-state
behaviour can be done using the infrastructure of the
The alternative approach would be to explicitly state
all the connections to the IOB, so no intelligence in the
synthesizer would be required -- but I don't seem to
be able to find those mappings. Also this approach would
seem to be device specific, not just within a vendor but
across devices from the same vendor -- IOB's change.
That means code tweaks for each specific device, which
isn't too appealing.
The fddrrse is a simplified representation of the IOB of
a xilinx part. Maybe it isn't even related to an IOB, but
the fddrrse behaviour can be mapped onto an IOB by the
Thanks for someone to clear this up.
I'm studying opencores' ddr source for insight. I
see it makes use of the unisim fddrrse model,
which is very simple -- 2 D inputs, 1 Q output,
Set/reset/enable inputs, 2 clock inputs. If
either clock input goes low to high, Q output
reflects input settings. Just for reference here
it is, but this isn't really the point.
if ( rising_edge(C0) = true) then
if (R = '1') then
Q <= '0' after 100 ps;
elsif (S = '1' ) then
Q <= '1' after 100 ps;
elsif (CE = '1' ) then
Q <= D0 after 100 ps;
end if;
elsif (rising_edge(C1) = true ) then
if (R = '1') then
Q <= '0' after 100 ps;
elsif (S = '1' ) then
Q <= '1' after 100 ps;
elsif (CE = '1') then
Q <= D1 after 100 ps;
end if;
end if;
The Xilinx fpga's have their IOB's, which have
the DDR output block in hardware. The opencores
DDR module doesn't seem to indicate the direct
connections to the IOB's that would have to be
done internal to the chip -- the behaviour is just
written out logically. For synthesis, it skips over
the model for the fddrrse. But elsewhere in the
vhdl code it adds a layer in between the fddrrse
block and the outside world, basically
-- Tristate-Buffer fuer dqs_q
gen_dqs : for n in 0 to DDR_DQS_WIDTH-1 generate
dqs_q <= 'Z' when dqsz_q='1' else dqs;
end generate gen_dqs;
dqs is mapped to the 'q' output of an fddrrse. dqsz_q
is another signal which just indicates when the output
should be Z or not.
dqs_q is part of the DDR controller's interface, and
presumably would end up getting mapped to the IOB
by the synthesizer. Those pins would connect directly
to a DDR device.
Now after this long-winded introduction is the question:
Is this all that's necessary to have a synthesizable
code snippet using the IOB's? I mean, in order for
this to work the synthesizer would have to have a
model of the IOB's and know that the imposed tri-state
behaviour can be done using the infrastructure of the
The alternative approach would be to explicitly state
all the connections to the IOB, so no intelligence in the
synthesizer would be required -- but I don't seem to
be able to find those mappings. Also this approach would
seem to be device specific, not just within a vendor but
across devices from the same vendor -- IOB's change.
That means code tweaks for each specific device, which
isn't too appealing.
The fddrrse is a simplified representation of the IOB of
a xilinx part. Maybe it isn't even related to an IOB, but
the fddrrse behaviour can be mapped onto an IOB by the
Thanks for someone to clear this up.