Questions that question????



Hi everybody,
I am thinking abt how much information can be provided to a quetion
posted related to design with emerging hitech FPGA's.I started using
this usenet just a few weeks ago,and I find it very interesting to
notice people with great experience working in industries or with FPGA
manufacuturers replying to the best they could.So I started thinking,
how much of an information related to the desing should be given for a
The less information i give, i likely to get no repliess, and the more
i give , i might loose my valuable design , what would be a tradeoff
So, how do people in industry find a solution to their desing at the
very shortest time and make sure the product hits the market, before
their competitors make it.
"ram" wrote:

The less information i give, i likely to get no repliess, and the more
i give , i might loose my valuable design , what would be a tradeoff
Well, you have to be intelligent about how you conduct yourself. It's one
thing to talk about and ask about how to design a UART module, for example,
and quite another to discuss complete designs, including proprietary
information. You have to assume that your competitors are also on the list.
It would be silly not to.

Any non-trivial design is going to be quite complex, with hundreds, if not
thousands of lines of code. The context of most USENET questions is the
realm of a few lines of code or issues dealing with architechture,
approaches to take and some basic digital signal processing theory. Clearly
you will not post whole designs here. And, clearly you should not post code
fragments that might reveal something that you may not want to have your
competitors see.

A common technique is to write a new little chunck of code that shows the
problem without the context of the rest of your design being present. For
example, you can talk about how to efficiently count 1's in a data stream
without telling the world that you are working on data compression.

This is something that we all have to deal with in one way or another. In
general, the benefits outweigh the risk, by far. Just be smart.

Martin Euredjian

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