Hello group,
I will appreciate it if somebody could help me out with my question.
I'm from a computer science background and now planning to get into
embedded system programming so now I've started learning digital
design. Of course, few years ago I took some courses in this field but
barely I can remember important topics in it.
Currently I'm taking VHDL class and I found a free compiler or maybe I
must call it something different as ModelSIM PE Student Edition
1) Is this enough to start learning VHDL programming?
2) where can I learn some basic concepts about sync an async ?
3) My 2nd project is about a state machine to recognize strings of 0's
and 1's which it seems doable but I'm told doing it by "asynchronous
reset". What is that and how can I understand it?
your help will be appreciated greatly,
I will appreciate it if somebody could help me out with my question.
I'm from a computer science background and now planning to get into
embedded system programming so now I've started learning digital
design. Of course, few years ago I took some courses in this field but
barely I can remember important topics in it.
Currently I'm taking VHDL class and I found a free compiler or maybe I
must call it something different as ModelSIM PE Student Edition
1) Is this enough to start learning VHDL programming?
2) where can I learn some basic concepts about sync an async ?
3) My 2nd project is about a state machine to recognize strings of 0's
and 1's which it seems doable but I'm told doing it by "asynchronous
reset". What is that and how can I understand it?
your help will be appreciated greatly,