Rod Out Back
A question I've come across recently:
We have a portable genset (Honda 5kva) which we use around the property for
working on fences etc, where we need 240V. We have one of those orange
4-outlet ELD safety switches, which I bought with the idea it would cut the
power if someone was stupid enough to cut the power cord.
However, it has been pointed out to me the ELD wont trip because the genset
isnt earthed.
Does this sound right?
If this is correct, is there any way to get an ELD to work on a portable
Should I simply keep the ELD outlet for the shed?
I already have ELD's fitted to all the buildings as it is, so it would
really be only handy for the 4 outlets...
Any info appreciated.
Rod.......Out Back
A question I've come across recently:
We have a portable genset (Honda 5kva) which we use around the property for
working on fences etc, where we need 240V. We have one of those orange
4-outlet ELD safety switches, which I bought with the idea it would cut the
power if someone was stupid enough to cut the power cord.
However, it has been pointed out to me the ELD wont trip because the genset
isnt earthed.
Does this sound right?
If this is correct, is there any way to get an ELD to work on a portable
Should I simply keep the ELD outlet for the shed?
I already have ELD's fitted to all the buildings as it is, so it would
really be only handy for the 4 outlets...
Any info appreciated.
Rod.......Out Back