Monty Hall
I'm a '97 Chemical Engineering BS that worked for a semi conductor fab and
was laid off a few years ago. Did some consulting work for a year w/ some
former colleagues concerning radio transmission and signal processing.
Really liked the project/design aspects of Electrical Engineering and the
calculations seemed pretty straightforward. Not to mention when I was
working for IBM, I thought the projects my EE peers were working on very
Most of the jobs available - to me - are pretty crude manufacturing jobs.
I'm not thrilled going from a high tech fab w/ 3 patents on surface etching
and cleanliness to plating car bumpers - no kidding. Having worked for Dow
Chemical and IBM, I have a pretty good idea of what chemical engineers in
process and development do and am very interested in ending my career in
ChE. In a nutshell, I would like to make the switch because my temperment
is such that I like to apply engineering skills and knowledge to design and
built things - not watch a process or do slow uninteresting experiments.
My questions is that I am going to apply to a masters EE program and was
wondering what are my chances of sucess? I've heard that its pretty common
for BS Physics folks to get a MS EE. As an engineer, I've had a pretty
heavy dose of math for doing fluid flow, chemical separations, and yes 1
semester of a 300 level electrical engineering course. Will I be entering
the program with my pants around my ankles or should I just get another BS
in EE?
was laid off a few years ago. Did some consulting work for a year w/ some
former colleagues concerning radio transmission and signal processing.
Really liked the project/design aspects of Electrical Engineering and the
calculations seemed pretty straightforward. Not to mention when I was
working for IBM, I thought the projects my EE peers were working on very
Most of the jobs available - to me - are pretty crude manufacturing jobs.
I'm not thrilled going from a high tech fab w/ 3 patents on surface etching
and cleanliness to plating car bumpers - no kidding. Having worked for Dow
Chemical and IBM, I have a pretty good idea of what chemical engineers in
process and development do and am very interested in ending my career in
ChE. In a nutshell, I would like to make the switch because my temperment
is such that I like to apply engineering skills and knowledge to design and
built things - not watch a process or do slow uninteresting experiments.
My questions is that I am going to apply to a masters EE program and was
wondering what are my chances of sucess? I've heard that its pretty common
for BS Physics folks to get a MS EE. As an engineer, I've had a pretty
heavy dose of math for doing fluid flow, chemical separations, and yes 1
semester of a 300 level electrical engineering course. Will I be entering
the program with my pants around my ankles or should I just get another BS
in EE?