When you guys first look at a schematic, how do you analyse it?
I mean how do you break it down. I sort of try to trace the path of
electrons which is fine for small circuits. But sometimes in a medium
sized schematic, I get overwhelmed trying to figure out where the
electrons are going and what's going on.
Where or what do you guys first look at when you look at a schematic.
How do you guys figure out what's going on. Are you guys "chasing"
the path of electrons as I do?
Is this something that comes only through experience or are there some
tips I could use.
Another thing is I am used to thinking of current as flowing from the
negative to the positive. That is, I envision the electrons going up
from the 'ground' or negative to the positive terminal of the battery.
Conventional current has it the opposite way. Which way do you guys
use when you look at schematics?
I mean how do you break it down. I sort of try to trace the path of
electrons which is fine for small circuits. But sometimes in a medium
sized schematic, I get overwhelmed trying to figure out where the
electrons are going and what's going on.
Where or what do you guys first look at when you look at a schematic.
How do you guys figure out what's going on. Are you guys "chasing"
the path of electrons as I do?
Is this something that comes only through experience or are there some
tips I could use.
Another thing is I am used to thinking of current as flowing from the
negative to the positive. That is, I envision the electrons going up
from the 'ground' or negative to the positive terminal of the battery.
Conventional current has it the opposite way. Which way do you guys
use when you look at schematics?