Question about Voltage Amplifier



Hi...I need some advice about voltage amplifier.
I want to amplify input signal to 100Vpp.
The input signal is 5 Vpp sine or cosine signal and bandwidth is under
the 20Mhz. Simple scheme is in the below.

+5V(DC) +100V or Over
| |
------- --------- ----------------------
|source |-----|Amplifier|--------|Load(about 10Mohm~Over|
------- --------- ----------------------
| |
-5V(DC) -100V or Over

If somebody knows a simple device for Amplifier, please let me know.
Sure, simply I can use a transformer. But I want to adjust output
voltage range between 0 to 100 Vpp.
donghun wrote:
Sure, simply I can use a transformer. But I want to adjust output
voltage range between 0 to 100 Vpp.
Mr. Monsen's idea is best. Use a transformer, and vary the amplitude
of your 5V pk. signal to the transformer primary to get 0-100V pk. at
the secondary.

By the way, you might also want to take load capacitance into
consideration. Even 10pF of load capacitance will dissipate watts of
power at the frequencies of interest.

Good luck

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