Question about making a FM transmitter



If this is the wrong group i am sorry pleas tell me what one i should post

I have one of those Irock L dam thing does not work.

I found out that the city I am in has a radio station at 88.5 the Irock let
me use 88.1 . 3 .5 and .7

I have bean looking in to making a FM transmitter but don't under stand some
of the term and symbols.

Like why is a 2W better then 1W other then the power

What is a 22pf?

Form the looks of the kits I have seen anyone can slap one together but I
want to mod it to over power the station just where I am and out about say
10-30 feet

can someone give me a web link or the name of a good beginners book I don't
what someone to just give me some part and step by step on how to build it I
want to know what each part is and what it does
On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 22:02:47 +0000, anonymous wrote:

If this is the wrong group i am sorry pleas tell me what one i should post

I have one of those Irock L dam thing does not work.

I found out that the city I am in has a radio station at 88.5 the Irock
let me use 88.1 . 3 .5 and .7


If you have a local FM transmitter on 88.5 then I doubt if you will have
much success with an irock (or any other low-powered transmitter) at all.
The nature of FM is for the receiver to pick up the strongest signal and
ignore all others, so the local station will tend to swamp anything near
it. By the time you get enough output to make your system strong enough
for what you want it will be an illegal transmitter - and could get you
arrested! Don't forget that other people local to the station may actually
want to hear it, and not your transmitter!

I think you are on a loser here.

Mick for Nascom & Gemini information
Also at where the collection started.
Currently deserting M$ for linux... :)
You'll have some sort of oscillator generating your carrier.
It's probably fixed at 88.1MHz and has a couple small caps
that can switched to achieve the discrete freqs .3,.5,.7 you
mention. You can replace either the tank inductor or capacitor
to move the base carrier freq. I'd use a variable inductor so you
can tune to whatever carrier you'd like.


"anonymous" <> wrote in message
If this is the wrong group i am sorry pleas tell me what one i should post

I have one of those Irock L dam thing does not work.

I found out that the city I am in has a radio station at 88.5 the Irock
me use 88.1 . 3 .5 and .7

I have bean looking in to making a FM transmitter but don't under stand
of the term and symbols.

Like why is a 2W better then 1W other then the power

What is a 22pf?

Form the looks of the kits I have seen anyone can slap one together but I
want to mod it to over power the station just where I am and out about say
10-30 feet

can someone give me a web link or the name of a good beginners book I
what someone to just give me some part and step by step on how to build it
want to know what each part is and what it does

Welcome to

