Hi there, I am trying to understand more about High Frequency RF
measurements of Bipolar Transistors. I have a question about
measuring Ft.
Ft is defined as the frequency for which the magnitude of the AC
current gain (h21) drops to unity for a transistor in the
common-emitter configuration with an AC-shorted collector.
Now most of the readings I have done discuss calculating Ft through a
method of extrapolation. They discuss that there is a -8dB/decade
slope in the curve of (h21) vs Frequency, and that a measurement
should be taken in the region displaying this behaviour, then a linear
extrapolation (in the semi-log plot) should be done to determine the
cut-off frequency.
Now my question is why do we even bother with the extrapolation? Why
not attempt to measure Ft at the cut-off frequency? I understand that
Ft is measured using S-parameter data which is converted to
h-parameter then the calculation takes place, but why not devise a
system to systematically calculate h21 at each frequency and increment
the frequency till h21 is equal to unity (i.e. stop when h21 = 1).
Is there a stability reason, or is it something else?
Thanks in advance for the help!!!

measurements of Bipolar Transistors. I have a question about
measuring Ft.
Ft is defined as the frequency for which the magnitude of the AC
current gain (h21) drops to unity for a transistor in the
common-emitter configuration with an AC-shorted collector.
Now most of the readings I have done discuss calculating Ft through a
method of extrapolation. They discuss that there is a -8dB/decade
slope in the curve of (h21) vs Frequency, and that a measurement
should be taken in the region displaying this behaviour, then a linear
extrapolation (in the semi-log plot) should be done to determine the
cut-off frequency.
Now my question is why do we even bother with the extrapolation? Why
not attempt to measure Ft at the cut-off frequency? I understand that
Ft is measured using S-parameter data which is converted to
h-parameter then the calculation takes place, but why not devise a
system to systematically calculate h21 at each frequency and increment
the frequency till h21 is equal to unity (i.e. stop when h21 = 1).
Is there a stability reason, or is it something else?
Thanks in advance for the help!!!