I have a chart that shows the correlation between torque and rotational
speed for a DC-motor:
The chart can be viewed here:
The motor is inside an actuator, which is used to control the pitchangle of
a rotor blad on a wind turbine.
For those who do not know what "pitchangle" is, I can inform that pitching
of a wing just means rotation of
a wing around its length-axis.
My question is:
What is the chart used for? What can you deduce from this chart? And what
relevant information can be deduced when the motors purpose is taken into
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speed for a DC-motor:
The chart can be viewed here:
The motor is inside an actuator, which is used to control the pitchangle of
a rotor blad on a wind turbine.
For those who do not know what "pitchangle" is, I can inform that pitching
of a wing just means rotation of
a wing around its length-axis.
My question is:
What is the chart used for? What can you deduce from this chart? And what
relevant information can be deduced when the motors purpose is taken into
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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.563 / Virus Database: 355 - Release Date: 17-01-2004