"dhananjay" <bandyaggroup@yahoo.co.in> wrote in message
Our chemical plant is having a crane (40/5 Te) with MH, CT, LT motion
and was operated by slip ring motor (for two speeds 100% & 10%) with
rotor resistance control (may be and mechanical gear boxes) by our
electrical and mechanical operators etc, i am an electronic engineer
and been called to take the job 'now', as the installation is changed
to an induction motor with ALTIVAR 58 drive (flux vector control
sensorless)for MH and ALTIVAR 28 drive for CT, LT.
The queries are as following regarding this
1) the literature says that the 58 drive is a sensorless flux vector
control but has an encoder card option for speed control? also it says
that there is a series called ALTIVAR 58F which is flux vector control
with or without sensor and is recomendaded for material handling
operations, vertical and horizontal where high dynamics and precision
etc is required, i have learnt while searching the postings that, for
crane applications it is good to have a FVC drive in close loop etc,
so now i dont understand that after puting the encoder card to altivar
58, will it become a close loop FVC? ALso the term "sensor" in the
literature i guess, does not refer to the speed sensor, is it so ?(the
58F drive which is titled as flux vector control with sensor is also
having an option card for speed feedback), so what is this sensor and
how the drive can function with or without this sensor?
2)i am also not sure which type of control this drive uses in its
algorithms, how can i understand is it indirect or direct torque
3)also the literature of ALTIVAR 58F suggests that DC injection
braking is not compatible with FVC close loop and sugests dynamic
braking, since we have ALTIVAR58 and there is no such incompatibility
shown for DC injection braking i have a doubt regarding this as
follows: for crane application which is good combination "DC
injection braking, dynamic braking resistor and openloop FVC drive
(our installation)" OR "FVC close loop drive (like altivar 58f) AND no
DC injection braking (dynamic resistor braking in its place)"
considering the safety?
also why is it incompatible, please explain?
16 mar 2005
How about the guy that sold it to ya, then a 1800 number for senior tech