Hi everybody,
I made a clock "clock_baud" with the output of a counter and Quartus
give me this message :
"Warning : Found 1 node in clock path which may be acting as ripple
and/or gated clocks -- node analyzed as buffer resulting in clock skew"
"Info : Detected ripple clock clock_baud~reg0 as buffer"
This is my process which generate the clock_baud.
then in another process I use clock_baud as a clock with
Do you know how to write the VHDL ?
GEN_CLK_BAUD_1 : process (clk_smp,reset)
variable compteur : natural range 0 to N_max*Over_X + 1;
variable ck_baud : std_logic;
if reset='1' then
clock_baud <= '1';
ck_baud := '1';
elsif (clk_smp'event and clk_smp='1') then
if (start_raz ='1' or preum_start='0' or compteur N*Over_X-1) then
compteur := 0;
compteur := compteur + 1;
end if;
-- Génčre l'horloge symbole
if compteur <= N*2 then
ck_baud := '1';
ck_baud := '0';
end if;
clock_baud <= ck_baud;
end if;
end process GEN_CLK_BAUD_1;
end fonc;
I made a clock "clock_baud" with the output of a counter and Quartus
give me this message :
"Warning : Found 1 node in clock path which may be acting as ripple
and/or gated clocks -- node analyzed as buffer resulting in clock skew"
"Info : Detected ripple clock clock_baud~reg0 as buffer"
This is my process which generate the clock_baud.
then in another process I use clock_baud as a clock with
Do you know how to write the VHDL ?
GEN_CLK_BAUD_1 : process (clk_smp,reset)
variable compteur : natural range 0 to N_max*Over_X + 1;
variable ck_baud : std_logic;
if reset='1' then
clock_baud <= '1';
ck_baud := '1';
elsif (clk_smp'event and clk_smp='1') then
if (start_raz ='1' or preum_start='0' or compteur N*Over_X-1) then
compteur := 0;
compteur := compteur + 1;
end if;
-- Génčre l'horloge symbole
if compteur <= N*2 then
ck_baud := '1';
ck_baud := '0';
end if;
clock_baud <= ck_baud;
end if;
end process GEN_CLK_BAUD_1;
end fonc;