Pratip Mukherjee
I am trying to use AVRCore project from opencores.com on ACEX1K100-3 FPGA.
Timing summary tells me that maximum clock is 11.xxx MHz. Since my external
clock is 40MHz, I inserted a divide by 4 counter before feeding it to the
CPU clock. But Quartus still says that max. clock is 11.xxx MHz. How's
that, shouldn't it be now 44.xxx MHz, assuming the input counter can count
to 44MHz. I am not using the input clock for any other purpose than
dividing by 4.
Another related question. ACEX1K datasheet says that the -3 devices do not
have PLL. But Quartus always reports 0 of 1 PLL used, even when I
specifically select -3 device. Which one is right, datasheet or Quartus?
Thanks in advance.
Pratip Mukherjee
I am trying to use AVRCore project from opencores.com on ACEX1K100-3 FPGA.
Timing summary tells me that maximum clock is 11.xxx MHz. Since my external
clock is 40MHz, I inserted a divide by 4 counter before feeding it to the
CPU clock. But Quartus still says that max. clock is 11.xxx MHz. How's
that, shouldn't it be now 44.xxx MHz, assuming the input counter can count
to 44MHz. I am not using the input clock for any other purpose than
dividing by 4.
Another related question. ACEX1K datasheet says that the -3 devices do not
have PLL. But Quartus always reports 0 of 1 PLL used, even when I
specifically select -3 device. Which one is right, datasheet or Quartus?
Thanks in advance.
Pratip Mukherjee