Edmond Coté
Well, I decided to give QII 7.1's SV support another go this morning.
I had originally spent a fair deal more time evaluating 6.1's support
and it fell short in many respects, so short in fact that I uncovered
3 interface related synthesis issues that Altera's FAE assured me
would be fixed in 7.1.
The first error I have for you is shown below. Last time around, I
switched all "const bit" declarations to `define - I don't feel like
doing that today ...
package alu_package;
const bit [2:0] alu_add = 3'd0;
endpackage // alu_package
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at alu_package.sv(2) near text
"const"; expecting an identifier ("const" is a reserved keyword )
The second error I got is:
request.address = '0;
for (integer i=0; i<NUM_MASTER; i++)
if (request_oe)
request.address = request_address;
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at smp.sv(50) near text
"integer"; expecting an identifier ("integer" is a reserved keyword )
For this error, you can declare 'i' outside of the loop and it works.
Unfortunately, I have a dozen of these loops spread out and I would
have to declare multiple loop variables, e.g., i, j, k, etc. - again,
I don't have the time, or patience, to work around that today (... and
did I mention I have access to a Precision RTL license?)
Regarding the above loop, would someone, ahem, please implement
modport expressions (section 20.4.4 of IEEE 1800-2005) already?
These comments will make their way eventually to Altera. They were
responsive last time around and they seem to be making some progress.
With XST 10 rumored to support SV synthesis, I think it'll only be a
matter of time before we start seeing some solid tools emerge.
-- Edmond Coté
I had originally spent a fair deal more time evaluating 6.1's support
and it fell short in many respects, so short in fact that I uncovered
3 interface related synthesis issues that Altera's FAE assured me
would be fixed in 7.1.
The first error I have for you is shown below. Last time around, I
switched all "const bit" declarations to `define - I don't feel like
doing that today ...
package alu_package;
const bit [2:0] alu_add = 3'd0;
endpackage // alu_package
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at alu_package.sv(2) near text
"const"; expecting an identifier ("const" is a reserved keyword )
The second error I got is:
request.address = '0;
for (integer i=0; i<NUM_MASTER; i++)
if (request_oe)
request.address = request_address;
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at smp.sv(50) near text
"integer"; expecting an identifier ("integer" is a reserved keyword )
For this error, you can declare 'i' outside of the loop and it works.
Unfortunately, I have a dozen of these loops spread out and I would
have to declare multiple loop variables, e.g., i, j, k, etc. - again,
I don't have the time, or patience, to work around that today (... and
did I mention I have access to a Precision RTL license?)
Regarding the above loop, would someone, ahem, please implement
modport expressions (section 20.4.4 of IEEE 1800-2005) already?
These comments will make their way eventually to Altera. They were
responsive last time around and they seem to be making some progress.
With XST 10 rumored to support SV synthesis, I think it'll only be a
matter of time before we start seeing some solid tools emerge.
-- Edmond Coté