I planned to copy the instruction leaflet of this Chinese mobile
phone - then lost it en route to my scanner. Not too smart.
It was written in Chinglish, so not always easy to follow, but at least
it gave me some idea what was available. Which I need, knowing little
about mobile phones.
Anyone know where I might look for a replacement? Google and DuckDuckGo
know of quantity resellers of the model, but I don't want to buy ten or
a hundred, just use the one I've got.
Windmill, TiltNot@NoneHome.com Use t m i l l
J.R.R. Tolkien:- @ S c o t s h o m e . c o m
All that is gold does not glister / Not all who wander are lost
phone - then lost it en route to my scanner. Not too smart.
It was written in Chinglish, so not always easy to follow, but at least
it gave me some idea what was available. Which I need, knowing little
about mobile phones.
Anyone know where I might look for a replacement? Google and DuckDuckGo
know of quantity resellers of the model, but I don't want to buy ten or
a hundred, just use the one I've got.
Windmill, TiltNot@NoneHome.com Use t m i l l
J.R.R. Tolkien:- @ S c o t s h o m e . c o m
All that is gold does not glister / Not all who wander are lost