Peter Theiner
Hi volks !
I have two stepper motors:
1.) Sanyo Denki (from a Typewriter)
Type: 103-4902-0740
22 ohms
2.) Sanyo Denki (from an 5 1/4" Disk drive)
Type: 103-4901-0142
37,5 ohms
Both have 0,9 degree / step.
They are bipolar, but I don`t have any further Information.
* Does anyone have a datasheet ?
* Or does anyone even know the operating voltage? (5V or 12V)
I´m buildung a controller for these with an AVR 8bit yC.
Thank`s for your help !
I have two stepper motors:
1.) Sanyo Denki (from a Typewriter)
Type: 103-4902-0740
22 ohms
2.) Sanyo Denki (from an 5 1/4" Disk drive)
Type: 103-4901-0142
37,5 ohms
Both have 0,9 degree / step.
They are bipolar, but I don`t have any further Information.
* Does anyone have a datasheet ?
* Or does anyone even know the operating voltage? (5V or 12V)
I´m buildung a controller for these with an AVR 8bit yC.
Thank`s for your help !