Adam. Seychell
I'm trying to grasp some concepts in control loop design, and there is
one puzzling concept that I'm unable to find a clear definitive
explanation for. Why does a systems closed loop transfer function with
poles on the jw axis or in the right half plane (RHP) make it unstable
(i.e its transient response will never settle) ?
The two text books I'm reading and my web searching haven't actually
given me the proof. They mealy state poles in RHP cause instability then
go on to explaining the Nyquist stability criteria, which is simply
based on the fact all poles must be in the left half plane for stability.
one puzzling concept that I'm unable to find a clear definitive
explanation for. Why does a systems closed loop transfer function with
poles on the jw axis or in the right half plane (RHP) make it unstable
(i.e its transient response will never settle) ?
The two text books I'm reading and my web searching haven't actually
given me the proof. They mealy state poles in RHP cause instability then
go on to explaining the Nyquist stability criteria, which is simply
based on the fact all poles must be in the left half plane for stability.