I made a power supply with 3 paralelled LM338 Regulators in paralell
(24V 12A trans), with 2 paralelled 20A rectifirs, worked great for 1
week, then all of a sudden, output dropped to 2 amps max (from 15A), ,
all componed seem to check out ok, getting full current out of filter
caaps past rectifiers, any ideas, tried substituting a good regulater,
and same thing, any ideas.
(24V 12A trans), with 2 paralelled 20A rectifirs, worked great for 1
week, then all of a sudden, output dropped to 2 amps max (from 15A), ,
all componed seem to check out ok, getting full current out of filter
caaps past rectifiers, any ideas, tried substituting a good regulater,
and same thing, any ideas.