I've written some Verilog for an Altera EPM1270 CPLD; I'm using the web
version of Quartus II 11.0. When I compile this code the fitter generates
the following message:
Info: Carry-chain of 30 logic cells and starting on logic cell
"CMP_UD_FO_udividend[0]" could not be split into legal LABs. Carry
feedthrough logic cells will be inserted into the chain in order to make it
Info: List of logic cells in the chain (ordered from chain start to end)
Info: Node "CMP_UD_FO_udividend[0]"
Info: Node "CMP_UD_FO_udividend[29]"
I haven't yet tested this code in a device but it behaves OK when simulated
using the web version of ModelSim. The Fitter summary indicates that 89% of
the total logic elements were required.
Is this something I should be concerned about? Could I eliminate this
situation by changing my code in some way?
version of Quartus II 11.0. When I compile this code the fitter generates
the following message:
Info: Carry-chain of 30 logic cells and starting on logic cell
"CMP_UD_FO_udividend[0]" could not be split into legal LABs. Carry
feedthrough logic cells will be inserted into the chain in order to make it
Info: List of logic cells in the chain (ordered from chain start to end)
Info: Node "CMP_UD_FO_udividend[0]"
Info: Node "CMP_UD_FO_udividend[29]"
I haven't yet tested this code in a device but it behaves OK when simulated
using the web version of ModelSim. The Fitter summary indicates that 89% of
the total logic elements were required.
Is this something I should be concerned about? Could I eliminate this
situation by changing my code in some way?