pushbutton terminal help



Hola everyone.
I am running a junction box used for connecting several assemblies to a
power supply. The connectors used on the junction box are pushbutton
termials similar to the ones used for speakers (the red and black
ones). Ive recently discovered that the wires to the assemblies have a
tendancy to work free from the terminals during the tests that I am
running. These wires are a fine guage (18 or 20) I believe.
I need to either find a way to keep these wires from falling out of the
terminal or find some different type of terminal that will hold the
wires better.
Any help is greatly appreciated

On 16 Dec 2004 05:47:53 -0800, "audry" <audry.alabiso@gmail.com>

Hola everyone.
I am running a junction box used for connecting several assemblies to a
power supply. The connectors used on the junction box are pushbutton
termials similar to the ones used for speakers (the red and black
ones). Ive recently discovered that the wires to the assemblies have a
tendancy to work free from the terminals during the tests that I am
running. These wires are a fine guage (18 or 20) I believe.
I need to either find a way to keep these wires from falling out of the
terminal or find some different type of terminal that will hold the
wires better.

John Fields

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