push button LED light with modes




I'd like to build a LED circuit. I have a very basic knowledge of
electronics, components, etc.

I'd like to use a momentary push button, perhaps a small tactile

The circuit would light the LED. Another press would cause it to
flash. And a final press of the switch would shut off the light.

I've looked around for a circuit like this but I can't seem to find
anything! I can find all kinds of flip-flops and oscillators and
astable multi-vibrators. But again that's just one of the "modes" I
would like to have.

Can something like this be done simply without getting into
programmable chips? I don't have programming gear. If I can build it
with timer ICs or logic ICs, that would be great!

Thanks, in advance.
blakesphere wrote:

I'd like to build a LED circuit. I have a very basic knowledge of
electronics, components, etc.

I'd like to use a momentary push button, perhaps a small tactile

The circuit would light the LED. Another press would cause it to
flash. And a final press of the switch would shut off the light.

I've looked around for a circuit like this but I can't seem to find
anything! I can find all kinds of flip-flops and oscillators and
astable multi-vibrators. But again that's just one of the "modes" I
would like to have.

Can something like this be done simply without getting into
programmable chips? I don't have programming gear. If I can build it
with timer ICs or logic ICs, that would be great!

Thanks, in advance.
Clock a '1" into a shift register, use the first output to
switch the led, the second together with a 555 chip to pulse
the led, and connect the 3rd output to the reset of the shift register.
On Sun, 22 Feb 2009, blakesphere wrote:


I'd like to build a LED circuit. I have a very basic knowledge of
electronics, components, etc.

I'd like to use a momentary push button, perhaps a small tactile

The circuit would light the LED. Another press would cause it to
flash. And a final press of the switch would shut off the light.

I've looked around for a circuit like this but I can't seem to find
anything! I can find all kinds of flip-flops and oscillators and
astable multi-vibrators. But again that's just one of the "modes" I
would like to have.

Can something like this be done simply without getting into
programmable chips? I don't have programming gear. If I can build it
with timer ICs or logic ICs, that would be great!

Go to the store, and buy any of a number of bicycle lights. They all
seem to have the ability to go between always on and flashing. You
can get tiny ones that run off button cells (which are great pocket
flashlights but have a tendency to go on too easily when something in
your pocket touches the button) to full blown headlights.

The first LED flashlight I bought was a bicycle headlight, about 5 years
ago. I was curious, and at ten dollars it was cheaper than LED
flashlights of equivalent power. Worked fine, but gave it away to
someone with an actual bike.

The trouble was that as a source of light, you rarely need flashing.
It can become a bother to have to cycle through the modes to turn it
off. Better to ask how to modify one to avoid the flashing mode.

When I bought that first LED bicycle light, people were still going
on in this newsgroup about making LED flashlights. By now, there's
really no good reason to make one, you can surely get one cheaper
than buying the parts. You will have to buy the white LEDs, unless
you buy a cheap LED flashlight to take the LEDs out of. And once
you are buying in order to get cheap LEDs, there's little reason
to build. At the very most, buy a commercial LED bike light, and
put it in the package of your own making.

On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 15:56:43 -0800, blakesphere wrote:

I'd like to use a momentary push button, perhaps a small tactile switch.

The circuit would light the LED. Another press would cause it to flash.
And a final press of the switch would shut off the light.
See the appended LTSpice model for a general idea (note that most part
numbers and values were pulled out of thin air).

Can something like this be done simply without getting into programmable
chips? I don't have programming gear. If I can build it with timer ICs or
logic ICs, that would be great!
Anything that can be built with a microcontroller can also be built
out of discrete logic. But the microcontroller approach will almost
invariably be simpler.

Version 4
SHEET 1 2820 900
WIRE -640 -32 -768 -32
WIRE -496 -32 -640 -32
WIRE 960 -32 -496 -32
WIRE 1376 -32 960 -32
WIRE 1888 -32 1376 -32
WIRE -640 32 -640 -32
WIRE -496 32 -496 -32
WIRE 1600 64 544 64
WIRE 64 128 -112 128
WIRE 384 128 336 128
WIRE 704 128 656 128
WIRE 336 144 336 128
WIRE 656 144 656 128
WIRE 64 176 64 128
WIRE 384 176 384 128
WIRE 704 176 704 128
WIRE 1888 176 1888 -32
WIRE 1600 192 1600 64
WIRE 1632 192 1600 192
WIRE 2304 192 2224 192
WIRE -16 224 -176 224
WIRE 304 224 144 224
WIRE 624 224 464 224
WIRE 864 224 784 224
WIRE 1504 224 864 224
WIRE 1632 224 1600 224
WIRE 1824 224 1696 224
WIRE 2304 224 2304 192
WIRE 1504 256 1440 256
WIRE 1600 256 1600 224
WIRE 1600 256 1568 256
WIRE -16 272 -48 272
WIRE 304 272 272 272
WIRE 544 272 544 64
WIRE 544 272 480 272
WIRE 624 272 592 272
WIRE 960 288 960 -32
WIRE -768 352 -768 -32
WIRE 64 352 64 320
WIRE 2304 352 2304 304
WIRE -640 384 -640 112
WIRE -352 384 -640 384
WIRE -112 384 -112 128
WIRE -112 384 -288 384
WIRE 384 384 384 320
WIRE 384 384 -112 384
WIRE 704 384 704 320
WIRE 704 384 384 384
WIRE 1888 416 1888 272
WIRE 960 448 960 368
WIRE 1056 448 960 448
WIRE 1376 448 1376 -32
WIRE 1376 448 1344 448
WIRE -496 480 -496 112
WIRE -352 480 -496 480
WIRE -48 480 -48 272
WIRE -48 480 -288 480
WIRE 272 480 272 272
WIRE 272 480 -48 480
WIRE 592 480 592 272
WIRE 592 480 272 480
WIRE 2208 480 2112 480
WIRE 2528 480 2432 480
WIRE 960 496 960 448
WIRE 1376 512 1376 448
WIRE 1376 512 1344 512
WIRE -176 544 -176 224
WIRE 864 544 864 224
WIRE 864 544 -176 544
WIRE 2208 544 2112 544
WIRE 2528 544 2432 544
WIRE 1056 576 1024 576
WIRE 1440 576 1440 256
WIRE 1440 576 1344 576
WIRE -640 592 -640 384
WIRE -496 608 -496 480
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WIRE -400 624 -448 624
WIRE 960 640 960 576
WIRE 1024 640 1024 576
WIRE 1024 640 960 640
WIRE 1056 640 1024 640
WIRE 1440 640 1344 640
WIRE 1888 656 1888 496
WIRE -384 672 -448 672
WIRE 2208 672 2112 672
WIRE -384 704 -384 672
WIRE 960 704 960 640
WIRE -768 832 -768 432
WIRE -640 832 -640 656
WIRE -640 832 -768 832
WIRE -496 832 -496 688
WIRE -496 832 -640 832
WIRE 960 832 960 768
WIRE 960 832 -496 832
WIRE 1440 832 1440 640
WIRE 1440 832 960 832
WIRE 1888 832 1888 720
WIRE 1888 832 1440 832
WIRE -768 880 -768 832
FLAG -768 880 0
FLAG 64 352 0
FLAG 336 144 0
FLAG 656 144 0
FLAG -400 624 Push
IOPIN -400 624 In
FLAG 2224 192 Push
IOPIN 2224 192 Out
FLAG 1344 576 Out
IOPIN 1344 576 BiDir
FLAG 1056 448 Dis
IOPIN 1056 448 BiDir
FLAG 1056 576 Trig
IOPIN 1056 576 BiDir
FLAG 1056 640 Thr
IOPIN 1056 640 BiDir
FLAG 1344 640 Gnd
IOPIN 1344 640 BiDir
FLAG 1344 512 Rst
IOPIN 1344 512 BiDir
FLAG 1344 448 Vcc
IOPIN 1344 448 BiDir
FLAG 2528 544 Dis
IOPIN 2528 544 BiDir
FLAG 2112 544 Trig
IOPIN 2112 544 BiDir
FLAG 2528 608 Thr
IOPIN 2528 608 BiDir
FLAG 2112 672 Rst
IOPIN 2112 672 BiDir
FLAG 2112 608 Out
IOPIN 2112 608 BiDir
FLAG 2112 480 Gnd
IOPIN 2112 480 BiDir
FLAG 2528 480 Vcc
IOPIN 2528 480 BiDir
FLAG 2304 352 0
FLAG -384 704 0
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 64 176 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 384 176 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\dflop 704 176 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL cap -656 592 R0
SYMBOL res -656 16 R0
SYMBOL voltage -768 336 R0
WINDOW 3 24 104 Invisible 0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0V 5V 10ms 1ms 1ms)
SYMBOL Digital\\inv -352 320 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL Digital\\inv -352 416 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL sw -496 704 R180
WINDOW 3 24 -12 Left 0
SYMATTR Value ""
SYMATTR SpiceModel Switch
SYMBOL res -512 16 R0
SYMBOL voltage 2304 208 R0
WINDOW 3 24 104 Invisible 0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 1V 1s 1ms 1ms 0.2s 1s 6)
SYMBOL Digital\\and 1536 176 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
SYMBOL npn 1824 176 R0
SYMATTR Value 2N3904
SYMBOL res 1872 400 R0
SYMATTR Value 270R
SYMBOL LED 1872 656 R0
SYMBOL Misc\\NE555 2320 576 R0
SYMBOL res 944 272 R0
SYMBOL res 944 480 R0
SYMATTR Value 100K
SYMBOL cap 944 704 R0
SYMBOL Digital\\and 1664 144 R0
SYMATTR SpiceLine Td=10n tripdt=10n trise=30n vhigh=5
TEXT 2230 -72 Left 0 !.tran 10s
TEXT 1952 32 Left 0 !.model Switch SW(Ron=.1 Roff=1Meg Vt=0.5 Vh=-.1)
TEXT 1168 512 Left 0 ;555
On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:16:34 -0800 (PST), blakesphere
<blakesphere@gmail.com> wrote:

On Feb 22, 7:58 pm, Sjouke Burry <burrynulnulf...@ppllaanneett.nnll
Clock a '1" into a shift register, use the first output to
switch the led, the second together with a 555 chip to pulse
the led, and connect the 3rd output to the reset of the shift register.

OK. I'll look into shift registers. Thanks.

I guess I could do more states if I wanted to. With a wider register?


1 = steady on
2 = very fast flash
3 = medium flash
4 = slow flash
5 = off

Do you know how to proceed towards a realistic design? (Do you
understand that he was recommending using the push button as a clock
input and that you may want to use a schmitt trigger gate input or
some other arrangement to debounce it? Etc.)

On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:21:57 -0800 (PST), blakesphere
<blakesphere@gmail.com> wrote:

On Feb 22, 9:42 pm, Nobody <nob...@nowhere.com> wrote:
Anything that can be built with a microcontroller can also be built
out of discrete logic. But the microcontroller approach will almost
invariably be simpler.

I'm sure.

But I'll need to buy more gear, get some software (I gather there's
free public domain or GPL stuff), and learn how to program is these
environments... So that's weeks or months down the road. If that's
what I have to do, well, I guess I'll have to start learning
microcontrollers. But I'm still learning discrete stuff.

I can sorta make sense of this stuff you sent. But I guess I'll need a
particular application for the full visual effect...

Thanks though.
It's probably worth the learning curve, long term. You can almost
always get access to an assembler directly from the manufacturers (or
from someone they affiliate closely with) without charge. The c
compilers may require a gcc-based implementation for a free version,
which may be a bit "batty" to use at times or quite good, depending.
You should carefully look for debugging support before buying, as you
may need this in order to move along quickly in your learning. And
things may be a bit "spotty" there if you are using GNU GCC, depending
on the processor.

For hobby use, the Microchip PIC parts are good because Microchip has
an active forum board and there are plenty of designs around. Many of
their processors are like the "transparent man" in that you get to see
pretty much how a CPU is designed, when using one (people complain
about just how "bad" their machine language is... but it remains a
very good way to learn about cpu operation, all the same.) Atmel has
some very nice parts, though I can't say that the company does well by
hobbyists in terms of active support, direct from them. They like
"big buyers." But their parts are nice and there are some very nice
development tools available, so they are fine to work with even
without a lot of hand-holding from Atmel. Texas Instruments has some
very nice parts with the MSP430 line and some very cheap entry-level
hardware, as well.

All of these have various peripherals. And learning how to "think"
well about them will take some serious effort. You can ignore all
that and just concentrate on learning about I/O pins and directly
working them in software and still get a lot done without having to
learn about various peripherals and how to make those work.

However, you are right. It's a learning experience. But once you get
past some of the initial barriers (mental road blocks), you will
rapidly find them useful for a whole range of ideas. It's an
investment of time that will pay itself off entirely after just two or
three projects.

On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 19:21:57 -0800, blakesphere wrote:

I can sorta make sense of this stuff you sent. But I guess I'll need a
particular application for the full visual effect...


Save the text with a .asc extension, open in LTSpice, click the "run"
button to perform the simulation, then click on traces or components to
view voltage/current waveforms.
On Feb 22, 7:58 pm, Sjouke Burry <burrynulnulf...@ppllaanneett.nnll>
Clock a '1" into a shift register, use the first output to
switch the led, the second together with a 555 chip to pulse
the led, and connect the 3rd output to the reset of the shift register.
OK. I'll look into shift registers. Thanks.

I guess I could do more states if I wanted to. With a wider register?


1 = steady on
2 = very fast flash
3 = medium flash
4 = slow flash
5 = off

On Feb 22, 8:43 pm, Michael Black <et...@ncf.ca> wrote:
Go to the store, and buy any of a number of bicycle lights.  They all
seem to have the ability to go between always on and flashing.  You
can get tiny ones that run off button cells (which are great pocket
flashlights but have a tendency to go on too easily when something in
your pocket touches the button) to full blown headlights.
Hey, thanks for the suggestion.

I did take apart one of the white LED bicycle headlights. But the COB
is covered so I have no idea how it works. It's back on the bike

On Feb 22, 9:42 pm, Nobody <nob...@nowhere.com> wrote:
Anything that can be built with a microcontroller can also be built
out of discrete logic. But the microcontroller approach will almost
invariably be simpler.
I'm sure.

But I'll need to buy more gear, get some software (I gather there's
free public domain or GPL stuff), and learn how to program is these
environments... So that's weeks or months down the road. If that's
what I have to do, well, I guess I'll have to start learning
microcontrollers. But I'm still learning discrete stuff.

I can sorta make sense of this stuff you sent. But I guess I'll need a
particular application for the full visual effect...

Thanks though.
"blakesphere" <blakesphere@gmail.com> wrote in message
OK. I'll look into shift registers. Thanks.
I guess I could do more states if I wanted to. With a wider register?
1 = steady on
2 = very fast flash
3 = medium flash
4 = slow flash
5 = off
You could have the switch (debounced) clocking a binary counter (say
74HC393), with the counter output connected to the select lines of a MUX
(say 74HC151), with the last count output tied to reset the whole thing.
This would cycle through your modes, allowing you to feed whatever "mode
signal" you like into each channel of the MUX. e.g. first MUX input LOW (LED
off), second MUX input HIGH (LED ON), 3rd MUX input say 5Hz clock (fast
flash), 4th MUX input say 2Hz clock (medium) flash, etc

blakesphere wrote:
On Feb 22, 7:58 pm, Sjouke Burry <burrynulnulf...@ppllaanneett.nnll
Clock a '1" into a shift register, use the first output to
switch the led, the second together with a 555 chip to pulse
the led, and connect the 3rd output to the reset of the shift register.

OK. I'll look into shift registers. Thanks.

I guess I could do more states if I wanted to. With a wider register?


1 = steady on
2 = very fast flash
3 = medium flash
4 = slow flash
5 = off

Yep. just use the first unused output to reset the shiftregister.
Common length 4 or 8 stages.
blakesphere wrote:
On Feb 22, 7:58 pm, Sjouke Burry <burrynulnulf...@ppllaanneett.nnll

Clock a '1" into a shift register, use the first output to
switch the led, the second together with a 555 chip to pulse
the led, and connect the 3rd output to the reset of the shift register.

OK. I'll look into shift registers. Thanks.

I guess I could do more states if I wanted to. With a wider register?


1 = steady on
2 = very fast flash
3 = medium flash
4 = slow flash
5 = off

Like the man said. Debounce a switch, use the debounced
output to clock a 4017. A 4017 will give you up to 10
outputs. Use each output to activate whatever function
you want. Tie 5 to the reset.

See: http://www.doctronics.co.uk/4017.htm

It explains the 4017 pretty well, and includes a LED
chaser circuit. But, since you'll use a debounced switch
instead of the 4093 oscillator to clock the 4017, it will
increment only when you press the switch. (You could use
a 4093 in the debounce circuit if you want.)

On Feb 22, 6:56 pm, blakesphere <blakesph...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'd like to build a LED circuit. I have a very basic knowledge of
electronics, components, etc.

I'd like to use a momentary push button, perhaps a small tactile

The circuit would light the LED. Another press would cause it to
flash. And a final press of the switch would shut off the light.

I've looked around for a circuit like this but I can't seem to find
anything! I can find all kinds of flip-flops and oscillators and
astable multi-vibrators. But again that's just one of the "modes" I
would like to have.

Can something like this be done simply without getting into
programmable chips? I don't have programming gear. If I can build it
with timer ICs or logic ICs, that would be great!

Thanks, in advance.
Is the pursuit the learning experience or the end result at lower
cost? There are plenty of multi-mode LED drivers at http://www.dealextreme..com
or http://www.kaidomain.com. Worst comes to worst, order one (they're
only about $4 ea.) and learn from the circuit before DIY.
On Feb 22, 11:35 pm, emailaddr...@insightbb.com wrote:
Is the pursuit the learning experience or the end result at lower
cost?  There are plenty of multi-mode LED drivers athttp://www.dealextreme.com
orhttp://www.kaidomain.com.  Worst comes to worst, order one (they're
only about $4 ea.) and learn from the circuit before DIY.
Well. That's a really, really good question. :)

I am proactively teaching myself electronics. Learning basic digital
circuits now... Going slow. But I'm enjoying it.

Still, I get ideas. Things I want to do! I start wondering how things
work. I think of projects I want to build. This one? Maybe I'm getting
a bit ahead of myself. So, to learn it properly, I've got other things
to do first.

I appreciate your suggestion though. I can always buy something
prefab, if in a hurry.

On 2009-02-22, blakesphere <blakesphere@gmail.com> wrote:

I'd like to build a LED circuit. I have a very basic knowledge of
electronics, components, etc.

I'd like to use a momentary push button, perhaps a small tactile

The circuit would light the LED. Another press would cause it to
flash. And a final press of the switch would shut off the light.

I've looked around for a circuit like this but I can't seem to find
anything! I can find all kinds of flip-flops and oscillators and
astable multi-vibrators. But again that's just one of the "modes" I
would like to have.

Can something like this be done simply without getting into
programmable chips?
someone's making those chips they use in bike lights,
if you could get one of them it'd be fairly simple.
On Tue, 24 Feb 2009, Jasen Betts wrote:

On 2009-02-22, blakesphere <blakesphere@gmail.com> wrote:

I'd like to build a LED circuit. I have a very basic knowledge of
electronics, components, etc.

I'd like to use a momentary push button, perhaps a small tactile

The circuit would light the LED. Another press would cause it to
flash. And a final press of the switch would shut off the light.

I've looked around for a circuit like this but I can't seem to find
anything! I can find all kinds of flip-flops and oscillators and
astable multi-vibrators. But again that's just one of the "modes" I
would like to have.

Can something like this be done simply without getting into
programmable chips?

someone's making those chips they use in bike lights,
if you could get one of them it'd be fairly simple.

Of course, the most available source, and maybe the cheapest, is
in those very lights, complete with the needed LEDs. Then one has
to consider what the end goal is.

On 2009-02-22, blakesphere <blakesphere@gmail.com> wrote:

I'd like to build a LED circuit. I have a very basic knowledge of
electronics, components, etc.

I'd like to use a momentary push button, perhaps a small tactile

The circuit would light the LED. Another press would cause it to
flash. And a final press of the switch would shut off the light.

I've looked around for a circuit like this but I can't seem to find
anything! I can find all kinds of flip-flops and oscillators and
astable multi-vibrators. But again that's just one of the "modes" I
would like to have.

Can something like this be done simply without getting into
programmable chips?
It can be done with simple logic chips. There is a circuit out there
for "debouncing" a pushbutton switch. Have that clock a 4017 or similar
counter-divider, whose #3 output is connected to its reset pin. The 4017
will cycle through states "0", "1", and "2".

Have the "1" pin ANDed or NANDed with a squarewave oscillator. Put the
output of that and the output of the 4017's "0" pin through diodes to a
MOSFET gate that has a 100K resistor to ground. The MOSFET switches the

I think there is a switch debounce circuit using a schmidt trigger
inverter such as the 40106. The 40106 has 6 inverters in it - one of them
can be used for the squarewave oscillator.

If you want to get more modes with this, you can. With the 40106, some
of the inverters can be used to make oscillators at different frequencies.
You may be able to use 5 of them. The 4017 has outputs "0" through "9" -
ten of them. You can use up to 7 of them - on, off, and five blinking at
different rates. One can have a blink rate fast enough to appear
continuously on at half power.

The schmidt trigger squarewave oscillator can be modified by having the
feedback resistor replaced by two in parallel, except one of those two
resistors would have a diode in series with it. That will change the dury
cycle of the squarewave. With a flash rate too fast to see, different
duty cycles will give different brightnesses.

- Don Klipstein (don@misty.com)

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