pulse generation using SRL16E on a Virtex-II


Johan Bernspĺng

Hi all,

I'm using the code below to generate a pulse which is 16x57600 from a
51.2 MHz clock signal to controll the sampling in a rs232 module. The
pulse generator does not work however. It generats a constant high
signal instead of a 921.6 kHz pulse.

Can anyone see what might be faulty with my design? I'm clueless...


library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;

entity baud16 is
Clk : in std_logic;
baud_pulse : out std_logic);
end entity baud16;

architecture imp of baud16 is

attribute BOX_TYPE : string;
component SRL16E is
-- synthesis translate_off
generic (
INIT : bit_vector := X"0000"
-- synthesis translate_on
port (
CE : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Clk : in std_logic;
A0 : in std_logic;
A1 : in std_logic;
A2 : in std_logic;
A3 : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic
end component SRL16E;
attribute BOX_TYPE of SRL16E : component is "BLACK_BOX";

component FD is
port (
C : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end component FD;
attribute BOX_TYPE of FD : component is "BLACK_BOX";

signal clkdv56 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i1 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i2 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i3 : std_logic;
-- signal clkdv14_4 : std_logic;
signal baud_pulse_i : std_logic;

--Denna SRL dividerar inklockan med 14
Del_8 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '0', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i1); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_1 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i1, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i2); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_2 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i2, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i3); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_3 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0001")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i3, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56); -- [out std_logic]

port map (
C => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56, -- [in std_logic]
Q => baud_pulse); -- [out std_logic]

end architecture imp;
"Johan Bernspĺng" <johbe@foi.se> wrote
Hi all,

I'm using the code below to generate a pulse which is 16x57600 from a
51.2 MHz clock signal to controll the sampling in a rs232 module. The
pulse generator does not work however. It generats a constant high
signal instead of a 921.6 kHz pulse.

Can anyone see what might be faulty with my design? I'm clueless...

Hi Johan,

the SRL16E components in your design are not initialized for synthesis.
Dependent on your synthesis tool, either delete the "synthesis
translate_on/off" lines or add attributes with INIT values for the SRL16E

Hope this helps,
Tjena Johan,

You can't directly connect the output from on SRL16 to the next one.
It only works for the first SRL16.

The other SRL16 will have it's output high for many clock cycles which
creates the constant high signal.
For the other SRL16, you need to clean the signal to only be high for
one clock cycle.

Göran Bilski

Johan Bernspĺng wrote:

Hi all,

I'm using the code below to generate a pulse which is 16x57600 from a
51.2 MHz clock signal to controll the sampling in a rs232 module. The
pulse generator does not work however. It generats a constant high
signal instead of a 921.6 kHz pulse.

Can anyone see what might be faulty with my design? I'm clueless...


library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;

entity baud16 is
Clk : in std_logic;
baud_pulse : out std_logic);
end entity baud16;

architecture imp of baud16 is

attribute BOX_TYPE : string;
component SRL16E is
-- synthesis translate_off
generic (
INIT : bit_vector := X"0000"
-- synthesis translate_on
port (
CE : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Clk : in std_logic;
A0 : in std_logic;
A1 : in std_logic;
A2 : in std_logic;
A3 : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic
end component SRL16E;
attribute BOX_TYPE of SRL16E : component is "BLACK_BOX";

component FD is
port (
C : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end component FD;
attribute BOX_TYPE of FD : component is "BLACK_BOX";

signal clkdv56 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i1 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i2 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i3 : std_logic;
-- signal clkdv14_4 : std_logic;
signal baud_pulse_i : std_logic;

--Denna SRL dividerar inklockan med 14
Del_8 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '0', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i1); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_1 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i1, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i2); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_2 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i2, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i3); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_3 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0001")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i3, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56); -- [out std_logic]

port map (
C => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56, -- [in std_logic]
Q => baud_pulse); -- [out std_logic]

end architecture imp;

Instead of you spending time creating the code, I have attached some

The baud_rate module will produce the signal that you want.
The module is however a little more flexible and allows you to specify
the ratio that you want to divide the incoming clock.
The module will find all the factors between 2-16 which makes up the ratio.
The problem is when the ratio is a prim number and thus can't be split
up into factors.
The module will then return to a standard counter for implementing the

For some application, the ratio doesn't need to be exact and there are
some inaccuracy allowed. UARTs has this flexibility.
So you can specify an inaccuracy which allows the modules to search for
values around the ratio which can be split into factors.

The cleaning of the signal for the SRL16 can be done in a LUT (you need
an AND gate) but I have used two DFFs for doing the same function in
order to save some LUTs.

The code is a good example of what VHDL can do.


Johan Bernspĺng wrote:

Hi all,

I'm using the code below to generate a pulse which is 16x57600 from a
51.2 MHz clock signal to controll the sampling in a rs232 module. The
pulse generator does not work however. It generats a constant high
signal instead of a 921.6 kHz pulse.

Can anyone see what might be faulty with my design? I'm clueless...


library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;

entity baud16 is
Clk : in std_logic;
baud_pulse : out std_logic);
end entity baud16;

architecture imp of baud16 is

attribute BOX_TYPE : string;
component SRL16E is
-- synthesis translate_off
generic (
INIT : bit_vector := X"0000"
-- synthesis translate_on
port (
CE : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Clk : in std_logic;
A0 : in std_logic;
A1 : in std_logic;
A2 : in std_logic;
A3 : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic
end component SRL16E;
attribute BOX_TYPE of SRL16E : component is "BLACK_BOX";

component FD is
port (
C : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end component FD;
attribute BOX_TYPE of FD : component is "BLACK_BOX";

signal clkdv56 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i1 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i2 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i3 : std_logic;
-- signal clkdv14_4 : std_logic;
signal baud_pulse_i : std_logic;

--Denna SRL dividerar inklockan med 14
Del_8 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '0', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i1); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_1 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i1, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i2); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_2 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i2, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i3); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_3 : SRL16E
--synthesis translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0001")
--synthesis translate_on
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i3, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56); -- [out std_logic]

port map (
C => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56, -- [in std_logic]
Q => baud_pulse); -- [out std_logic]

end architecture imp;
Instead of you spending time creating the code, I have attached some

thanks a lot for such an interesting example of VHDL power.
I couldn't care less for a baudrate generator, but I liked a lot the way
it's handled. Very clever.

BTW, with default stated generics it compiles with XST (6.1SP3) in 3 slices
in a Spartan III.

I had to comment out the "library opbxxxx" lines, tough.

Thanks again!

Have you some other more ? ;-))

Glad that you liked the code. I think it's showing the power of a
programming language like VHDL.

Yes, I have more code but that is MicroBlaze and I can't send out that. ;-)

Göran Bilski

Antonio Pasini wrote:

Instead of you spending time creating the code, I have attached some


thanks a lot for such an interesting example of VHDL power.
I couldn't care less for a baudrate generator, but I liked a lot the way
it's handled. Very clever.

BTW, with default stated generics it compiles with XST (6.1SP3) in 3 slices
in a Spartan III.

I had to comment out the "library opbxxxx" lines, tough.

Thanks again!

Have you some other more ? ;-))
Hey Goran,
How about posting the code direct. Not all of us have news hosts that can
pass on attachments!
Ta, Syms.
Symon wrote:

Hey Goran,
How about posting the code direct. Not all of us have news hosts that can
pass on attachments!
Ta, Syms.
...or maybe a couple of links into a Xilinx.com\comp.arch.fpga.Date.ID.YGTI..
one link could be vanilla text, and one html syntax highlighted (many
editors now have a save-as html option), and you can also copy/paste
from a web browser into a text editor, and keep just the code.
This also allows bookmarking, and avoids anyone bleating about
bandwidth usage...

I presume everyone can web-link from their news readers OK ?

On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 15:21:50 -0700, "Symon" <symon_brewer@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hey Goran,
How about posting the code direct. Not all of us have news hosts that can
pass on attachments!
Ta, Syms.

Or, just wait till the end of the month when it will turn up in the
archive at www.fpga-faq.com


Philip Freidin

Here is the two files inlined.


-- $Id: divide_part.vhd,v 1.2 2003/02/13 16:13:28 goran Exp $
-- divide_part.vhd - Entity and architecture
-- ** Copyright(C) 2003 by Xilinx, Inc. All rights
reserved. **
** **
-- ** This text contains proprietary,
confidential **
-- ** information of Xilinx, Inc. , is distributed
by **
-- ** under license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be
used, **
-- ** copied and/or disclosed only pursuant to the
terms **
-- ** of a valid license agreement with Xilinx,
Inc. **
** **
-- ** Unmodified source code is guaranteed to place and
route, **
-- ** function and run at speed according to the
datasheet **
-- ** specification. Source code is provided "as-is", with
no **
-- ** obligation on the part of Xilinx to provide
support. **
** **
-- ** Xilinx Hotline support of source code IP shall only
include **
-- ** standard level Xilinx Hotline support, and will only
address **
-- ** issues and questions related to the standard released
Netlist **
-- ** version of the core (and thus indirectly, the original core
source). **
** **
-- ** The Xilinx Support Hotline does not have access to
source **
-- ** code and therefore cannot answer specific questions
related **
-- ** to source HDL. The Xilinx Support Hotline will only be
able **
-- ** to confirm the problem in the Netlist version of the
core. **
** **
-- ** This copyright and support notice must be retained as
part **
-- ** of this text at all
times. **
-- Filename: divide_part.vhd
-- Description:
-- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93
-- Structure:
-- divide_part.vhd
-- Author: goran
-- Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
-- Date: $Date: 2003/02/13 16:13:28 $
-- History:
-- goran 2003-02-13 First Version
-- Naming Conventions:
-- active low signals: "*_n"
-- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x"
-- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n"
-- generics: "C_*"
-- user defined types: "*_TYPE"
-- state machine next state: "*_ns"
-- state machine current state: "*_cs"
-- combinatorial signals: "*_com"
-- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#"
-- counter signals: "*cnt*"
-- clock enable signals: "*_ce"
-- internal version of output port "*_i"
-- device pins: "*_pin"
-- ports: - Names begin with
-- processes: "*_PROCESS"
-- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC>
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity Divide_part is

generic (
Ratio : natural;
First : boolean := true

port (
Clk : in std_logic;
Clk_En : in std_logic;
Clk_En_Out : out std_logic

end entity Divide_part;

library unisim;
use unisim.all;

library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

architecture VHDL_RTL of Divide_part is

component SRL16E is
-- pragma translate_off
generic (
INIT : bit_vector := X"0000");
-- pragma translate_on
port (
Q : out std_logic;
A0 : in std_logic;
A1 : in std_logic;
A2 : in std_logic;
A3 : in std_logic;
CE : in std_logic;
Clk : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic
end component SRL16E;

component SRLC16E is
-- pragma translate_off
generic (
INIT : bit_vector := X"0000");
-- pragma translate_on
port (
Q : out std_logic;
Q15 : out std_logic;
A0 : in std_logic;
A1 : in std_logic;
A2 : in std_logic;
A3 : in std_logic;
CE : in std_logic;
Clk : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic
end component SRLC16E;

signal loop_Bit : std_logic;

attribute INIT : string;

constant Nr_Of_SRL16 : natural := 1 +
constant Last_SRL16_Ratio : natural := ((Ratio-1)
mod 16);
constant A : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) :=
std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Last_SRL16_Ratio, 4));

signal shifts : std_logic_vector(0 to Nr_Of_SRL16);
signal Emptys : std_logic_vector(0 to Nr_Of_SRL16);

begin -- architecture VHDL_RTL

One_SRL16 : if (Nr_Of_SRL16 = 1) generate
attribute INIT of SRL16E_I : label is "0001";
-- pragma translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0001") -- [bit_vector]
-- pragma translate_on
port map (
CE => Clk_En, -- [in std_logic]
D => loop_Bit, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => A(0), -- [in std_logic]
A1 => A(1), -- [in std_logic]
A2 => A(2), -- [in std_logic]
A3 => A(3), -- [in std_logic]
Q => loop_Bit); -- [out std_logic]
end generate One_SRL16;

Two_SRL16 : if (Nr_Of_SRL16 = 2) generate
attribute INIT of SRLC16E_1 : label is "0001";
attribute INIT of SRL16E_2 : label is "0000";
-- The first SRLC16E
-- pragma translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0001") -- [bit_vector]
-- pragma translate_on
port map (
CE => Clk_En, -- [in std_logic]
D => loop_Bit, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q15 => shifts(1), -- [out std_logic]
Q => Emptys(1)); -- [out std_logic]

SRL16E_2 : SRL16E
-- pragma translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000") -- [bit_vector]
-- pragma translate_on
port map (
CE => Clk_En, -- [in std_logic]
D => shifts(1), -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => A(0), -- [in std_logic]
A1 => A(1), -- [in std_logic]
A2 => A(2), -- [in std_logic]
A3 => A(3), -- [in std_logic]
Q => loop_Bit); -- [out std_logic]
end generate Two_SRL16;

More_Than_Two : if (Nr_Of_SRL16 > 2) generate
attribute INIT of SRLC16E_1 : label is "0001";
attribute INIT of SRL16E_n : label is "0000";

-- The first SRLC16E
-- pragma translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0001") -- [bit_vector]
-- pragma translate_on
port map (
CE => Clk_En, -- [in std_logic]
D => loop_Bit, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q15 => shifts(1), -- [out std_logic]
Q => Emptys(1)); -- [out std_logic]

The_Rest : for I in 2 to Nr_Of_SRL16-2 generate
attribute INIT of SRLC16E_I : label is "0000";
-- pragma translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000") -- [bit_vector]
-- pragma translate_on
port map (
CE => Clk_En, -- [in std_logic]
D => shifts(I-1), -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q15 => shifts(I), -- [out std_logic]
Q => Emptys(I)); -- [out std_logic]

end generate The_Rest;

-- The last SRL16
SRL16E_n : SRL16E
-- pragma translate_off
generic map (
INIT => X"0000") -- [bit_vector]
-- pragma translate_on
port map (
CE => Clk_En, -- [in std_logic]
D => shifts(Nr_Of_SRL16-2), -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => A(0), -- [in std_logic]
A1 => A(1), -- [in std_logic]
A2 => A(2), -- [in std_logic]
A3 => A(3), -- [in std_logic]
Q => loop_Bit); -- [out std_logic]

end generate More_Than_Two;

-- If the SRL16 is the first in a serie then the output is a clean single
-- clock pulse

Is_First : if (First) generate
Clk_En_Out <= loop_Bit;
end generate Is_First;

-- If not the first the output has to be masked so that it produce a
-- clock pulse

not_First : if (not First) generate
signal Out1 : std_logic;

Out1_DFF : process (Clk) is
begin -- process Out1_DFF
if Clk'event and Clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge
Out1 <= loop_Bit;
end if;
end process Out1_DFF;

Out2_DFF : process (Clk) is
begin -- process Out2_DFF
if Clk'event and Clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge
if (Out1 = '1') then
Clk_En_Out <= Clk_En;
end if;
end if;
end process Out2_DFF;

end generate not_First;
end architecture VHDL_RTL;

-- $Id: baudrate.vhd,v 1.2 2003/01/16 22:32:37 tise Exp $
-- baudrate.vhd
-- ** Copyright(C) 2003 by Xilinx, Inc. All rights
reserved. **
** **
-- ** This text contains proprietary,
confidential **
-- ** information of Xilinx, Inc. , is distributed
by **
-- ** under license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be
used, **
-- ** copied and/or disclosed only pursuant to the
terms **
-- ** of a valid license agreement with Xilinx,
Inc. **
** **
-- ** Unmodified source code is guaranteed to place and
route, **
-- ** function and run at speed according to the
datasheet **
-- ** specification. Source code is provided "as-is", with
no **
-- ** obligation on the part of Xilinx to provide
support. **
** **
-- ** Xilinx Hotline support of source code IP shall only
include **
-- ** standard level Xilinx Hotline support, and will only
address **
-- ** issues and questions related to the standard released
Netlist **
-- ** version of the core (and thus indirectly, the original core
source). **
** **
-- ** The Xilinx Support Hotline does not have access to
source **
-- ** code and therefore cannot answer specific questions
related **
-- ** to source HDL. The Xilinx Support Hotline will only be
able **
-- ** to confirm the problem in the Netlist version of the
core. **
** **
-- ** This copyright and support notice must be retained as
part **
-- ** of this text at all
times. **
-- Filename: baudrate.vhd
-- Description:
-- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93
-- Structure:
-- baudrate.vhd
-- Author: goran
-- Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
-- Date: $Date: 2003/01/16 22:32:37 $
-- History:
-- goran 2001-06-12 First Version
-- Naming Conventions:
-- active low signals: "*_n"
-- clock signals: "clk", "clk_div#", "clk_#x"
-- reset signals: "rst", "rst_n"
-- generics: "C_*"
-- user defined types: "*_TYPE"
-- state machine next state: "*_ns"
-- state machine current state: "*_cs"
-- combinatorial signals: "*_com"
-- pipelined or register delay signals: "*_d#"
-- counter signals: "*cnt*"
-- clock enable signals: "*_ce"
-- internal version of output port "*_i"
-- device pins: "*_pin"
-- ports: - Names begin with
-- processes: "*_PROCESS"
-- component instantiations: "<ENTITY_>I_<#|FUNC>
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity Baud_Rate is

generic (
C_USE_FIXED : integer := 1; -- Fixed baudrate
C_RATIO : integer := 814; -- The ratio between clk and the
-- baudrate multiplied with 16
C_INACCURACY : integer := 15 -- The maximum inaccuracy of the clk
); -- division in per thousands
port (
Clk : in std_logic;
Div_Factor : in std_logic_vector(0 to 15);
EN_16x_Baud : out std_logic);

end entity Baud_Rate;

library unisim;
use unisim.all;

library opb_uartlite_v2_00_a;
use opb_uartlite_v2_00_a.Divide_Part;

architecture VHDL_RTL of Baud_Rate is

component MUXCY_L is
port (
DI : in std_logic;
CI : in std_logic;
S : in std_logic;
LO : out std_logic);
end component MUXCY_L;

component XORCY is
port (
LI : in std_logic;
CI : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component XORCY;

component Divide_Part is
generic (
Ratio : natural;
First : boolean);
port (
Clk : in std_logic;
Clk_En : in std_logic;
Clk_En_Out : out std_logic);
end component Divide_Part;

-- log2 function returns the number of bits required to encode x choices
function log2(x : natural) return integer is
variable i : integer := 0;
if x = 0 then return 0;
while 2**i < x loop
i := i+1;
end loop;
return i;
end if;
end function log2;

-- Calculate the number of SRL16s needed for the Ratio R


constant MAX_DIV_FACTOR : natural := 16;

subtype SRL16_DIV_TYPE is natural range 2 to MAX_DIV_FACTOR;
type FACTORS_LIST_TYPE is array (natural range 1 to 15) of

Good_Divide : boolean;
Nr_Of_Factors : natural;
end record FACTORS_TYPE;

-- Trying to divide R into integer values of values 2-16 until the end
-- is between 2-16.

function Get_Factors (R : natural) return FACTORS_TYPE is
variable N : natural := R;
variable Result : FACTORS_TYPE;
variable no : natural := 1;
variable Found : boolean;
begin -- function Get_Factors
if (N < 16) then
Result.FACTOR_LIST(1) := N;
Result.Nr_Of_Factors := 1;
Result.Good_Divide := true;
return Result;
end if;
while N /= 1 loop
Found := false;
for I in 16 downto 2 loop
if ((N mod I = 0)) then -- Found factor
Result.FACTOR_LIST(no) := I;
N := N / I;
no := no + 1;
Found := true;
end if;
end loop; -- I
if (not(Found)) then
Result.Good_Divide := false;
end if;
end loop;
if (found) then
Result.Good_Divide := true;
Result.Nr_Of_Factors := no-1;
end if;
return Result;
end function Get_Factors;

-- Trying to find a ratio that is within 1.5% of the asked ratio and
that the
-- ratio can be implemented with SRL16.

function Find_Best_Factors (R : natural) return FACTORS_TYPE is
constant Proc_Diff : natural := R*C_INACCURACY/1000; -- Calculate
the max difference
-- for the maximum inaccuracy
variable Result : FACTORS_TYPE;
begin -- function Find_Best_Factors
Result := Get_Factors(R);
if (Result.Good_Divide) then
return Result;
end if;
for I in 1 to Proc_Diff loop
Result := Get_Factors(R+I);
if (Result.Good_Divide) then
return Result;
end if;
Result := Get_Factors(R-I);
if (Result.Good_Divide) then
return Result;
end if;
end loop; -- I
Result.Good_Divide := false;
return Result;
end function Find_Best_Factors;

constant Divide_Factors : FACTORS_TYPE := Find_Best_Factors(C_RATIO);
signal Clk_En_I : std_logic_vector(0 to

signal Count : std_logic_vector(0 to 15);

begin -- architecture VHDL_RTL

Using_Fixed_Baudrate : if (C_USE_FIXED /= 0) generate

-- A clean and good ratio was found that was within the 1.5% limit, so
-- implement the uartlite division using SRL16s

Using_SRL16s : if (Divide_Factors.Good_Divide) generate
Clk_En_I(0) <= '1';

SRL16s : for I in 1 to Divide_Factors.Nr_Of_Factors generate

Divide_I : Divide_Part
generic map (
Ratio => Divide_Factors.FACTOR_LIST(I), -- [natural range 2
to 16]
First => (I = 1)) -- [boolean]
port map (
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
Clk_En => Clk_En_I(I-1), -- [in std_logic]
Clk_En_Out => Clk_En_I(I)); -- [out std_logic]

end generate SRL16s;

En_16x_Baud <= Clk_En_I(Divide_Factors.Nr_Of_Factors);

end generate Using_SRL16s;

-- Couldn't find a good ratio within the 1.5% limit so implement the
-- generation using a standard counter

Using_Counter : if (not Divide_Factors.Good_Divide) generate
constant Nr_Of_Bits : natural :=
constant New_Value : std_logic_vector(0 to Nr_Of_Bits-1) :=
std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(C_RATIO-1, Nr_Of_Bits));
signal Cnt : std_logic_vector(0 to Nr_Of_Bits-1);
signal New_Cnt : std_logic_vector(0 to Nr_Of_Bits-1);
signal Carry : std_logic_vector(0 to Nr_Of_Bits);

signal Count : std_logic_vector(0 to Nr_Of_Bits-1);

Carry(0) <= '0'; -- Always subracting

All_Bits : for I in 0 to Nr_Of_Bits-1 generate
New_Cnt(I) <= not(Count(I)) when Carry(Nr_Of_Bits) = '0' else

port map (
DI => '0', -- [in std_logic]
CI => Carry(I), -- [in std_logic]
S => New_Cnt(I), -- [in std_logic]
LO => Carry(I+1)); -- [out std_logic]

port map (
LI => New_Cnt(I), -- [in std_logic]
CI => Carry(I), -- [in std_logic]
O => Cnt(I)); -- [out std_logic]
end generate All_Bits;

Counter : process (Clk) is
begin -- process Counter
if Clk'event and Clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge
Count <= Cnt;
end if;
end process Counter;

En_16x_Baud <= Carry(Nr_Of_Bits);

end generate Using_Counter;

end generate Using_Fixed_Baudrate;

Dynamic_Baudrate: if (C_USE_FIXED = 0) generate

Counter : process (Clk) is
begin -- process Counter
if Clk'event and Clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge
if (Count = "0000000000000000") then
Count <= Div_Factor;
EN_16x_Baud <= '1';
Count <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(Count) - 1);
EN_16x_Baud <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process Counter;

end generate Dynamic_Baudrate;

end architecture VHDL_RTL;

Symon wrote:

Hey Goran,
How about posting the code direct. Not all of us have news hosts that can
pass on attachments!
Ta, Syms.
more info on such circuits:

"Symon" <symon_brewer@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Hey Goran,
How about posting the code direct. Not all of us have news hosts that can
pass on attachments!
Ta, Syms.
Johan Bernspĺng wrote:
Hi all,

I'm using the code below to generate a pulse which is 16x57600 from a
51.2 MHz clock signal to controll the sampling in a rs232 module. The
pulse generator does not work however. It generats a constant high
signal instead of a 921.6 kHz pulse.

Can anyone see what might be faulty with my design? I'm clueless...

Since it looked like this thread has side-tracked a little, I wanted to
follow up on the original code as it was not too bad, just a few
mistakes. I took out the attribute and component declarations which are
not necessary if you include the library UNISIM and use
UNISIM.VComponents.all statements and removed all of the translate_off
and translate_on's and the implpemented code worked just like the
behavioral simulation did. I do not think there was an inherent problem
with this code other than the fact that you were using the
transalte_off/on's in the code and the SRL was not getting intitialized
properly because of it. At the speeds you are talking about, the code
should run fine, as-is but if you did need speed, you could use SRLC16's
which use a dedicaed net for cascading that runs faster and you could
have the feedback path to the intitial SRL in the chain derived from the
register as the clock-to-out of the register is faster than the SRL but
as I said, at 51 MHz, probably not necessary.

I will attach your modified code below for refernce.

-- Brian

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;

entity baud16 is
Clk : in std_logic;
baud_pulse : out std_logic);
end entity baud16;

architecture imp of baud16 is

signal clkdv56 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i1 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i2 : std_logic;
signal clkdv56_i3 : std_logic;
-- signal clkdv14_4 : std_logic;
signal baud_pulse_i : std_logic;

--Denna SRL dividerar inklockan med 14
Del_8 : SRL16E
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '0', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i1); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_1 : SRL16E
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i1, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i2); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_2 : SRL16E
generic map (
INIT => X"0000")
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i2, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56_i3); -- [out std_logic]

Del_16_3 : SRL16E
generic map (
INIT => X"0001")
port map (
CE => '1', -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56_i3, -- [in std_logic]
Clk => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
A0 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A1 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A2 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
A3 => '1', -- [in std_logic]
Q => clkdv56); -- [out std_logic]

port map (
C => Clk, -- [in std_logic]
D => clkdv56, -- [in std_logic]
Q => baud_pulse); -- [out std_logic]

end architecture imp;


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