Chris W
Will someone tell me if I am doing this right? I am using the
calculations on this page
for a 74HCT74. The data sheet doesn't list an Iih, just Ii of +/- 1uA
so I guess that is all the current I need to make an input go high? Vcc
[min] is 4.5V Vih is listed as 2v min so I will use 2.5v for a margin.
Solving the formula on that page in step 5 for R, I get . . .
R = (Vcc[min] - Vih)/Ii or
R = (4.5 - 2.5)/.000001 = 2,000,000
So I can use as a 2m ohm resistor to pull up an input high, right? What
kind of current draw might there be if there were no resistor, just a
direct connection to Vcc? Finally what if I want to pull up 8 inputs on
2 different 74HCT74s do I just use 2,000,000/8 or 250,000 ohms? Right
now I have a 100k ohm resistor pulling up all 8 inputs and it seems to
work fine.
Chris W
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calculations on this page
for a 74HCT74. The data sheet doesn't list an Iih, just Ii of +/- 1uA
so I guess that is all the current I need to make an input go high? Vcc
[min] is 4.5V Vih is listed as 2v min so I will use 2.5v for a margin.
Solving the formula on that page in step 5 for R, I get . . .
R = (Vcc[min] - Vih)/Ii or
R = (4.5 - 2.5)/.000001 = 2,000,000
So I can use as a 2m ohm resistor to pull up an input high, right? What
kind of current draw might there be if there were no resistor, just a
direct connection to Vcc? Finally what if I want to pull up 8 inputs on
2 different 74HCT74s do I just use 2,000,000/8 or 250,000 ohms? Right
now I have a 100k ohm resistor pulling up all 8 inputs and it seems to
work fine.
Chris W
Gift Giving Made Easy
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give the gifts they want