So often requests for manuals and schematics in the newsgroups go unanswered;
here is a request for readers to post any links or other references to
public repositories of service and technical literature (such as public
or private libraries, collections, archived websites, etc.) that are alternatives
to costly and often poor quality commercial manual sellers.
We used to have libraries in our area that maintained large collections of
electronic service literature, but downsizing has altered that option
Do you all have any local libraries that have large or useful collections
of Riders, SAMS, or mfg. specific manuals (perhaps donated by ex-employees,
etc.)? If so, posting this data will allow cooperating libraries to
inquire about inter-library loans.
here is a request for readers to post any links or other references to
public repositories of service and technical literature (such as public
or private libraries, collections, archived websites, etc.) that are alternatives
to costly and often poor quality commercial manual sellers.
We used to have libraries in our area that maintained large collections of
electronic service literature, but downsizing has altered that option
Do you all have any local libraries that have large or useful collections
of Riders, SAMS, or mfg. specific manuals (perhaps donated by ex-employees,
etc.)? If so, posting this data will allow cooperating libraries to
inquire about inter-library loans.