Public Apology


R. Steve Walz

Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my perpetrators
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for a
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often because
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know can
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I had
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own mind
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from this
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my old
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke, and
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being that
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions, I've
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted, but
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.

R. Steve Walz
This is very convincing, except that the Richard Steven Walz I know would
know how to spell "now." And wouldn't say something lame like,

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke,
I have to go to a friends and use his computer,...
He would fix his computer.

Nice try, though.

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for a
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know can
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I had
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my old
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke,
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being that
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions, I've
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted,
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.

R. Steve Walz
"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message
This is very convincing, except that the Richard Steven Walz I know would
know how to spell "now." And wouldn't say something lame like,

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke,
I have to go to a friends and use his computer,...

He would fix his computer.

Nice try, though.
Well, let's give it a few days and see if the old Dick returns, or if this
is genuine.

Dick's latest post on the Pol Pot/Cambodia discussion gives little
indication of a changed man. Still spouting garbage in an attempt to get
the world to march in time to his single drum, but perhaps his epiphene
occured after that post.


"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke,
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions,
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted,
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.

R. Steve Walz
R. Steve Walz wrote...
"I have to go to a friends and use his computer,"
Message-ID: <>

I think that's not our very own "R. Steve Walz", his posts
are made from from, not, and I don't
buy the broken-computer malarky.

Compare the ID above to a recent Walz news posting ID.

Message-ID: <>

- Win

(email: use hill_at_rowland-dot-org for now)
if this is genuine.
The new improved RSW

The old RSW

You are easily spoofed.
On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 02:20:32 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my perpetrators
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for a
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often because
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know can
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I had
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own mind
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from this
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my old
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke, and
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being that
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions, I've
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted, but
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.

R. Steve Walz
Come on Steve, say it ain't so!

We all like you *just*the*way*you*are.

On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 02:20:32 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my perpetrators
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for a
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often because
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know can
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I had
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own mind
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from this
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my old
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke, and
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being that
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions, I've
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted, but
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.
Stick it up your ass, you ignorant cocksucking whelp of a whore's

Walz would _never_ pussy out for the inconsequential reasons you've
given, and he would have more respect for us than to allow stupid
grammatical and contradictory stylistic errors like yours to sully his

You're a mean-spirited, envious loser and the best thing you could do,
if you don't want to get cut to ribbons, is just to go away.

John Fields
"Captain" <> wrote in message
"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message
This is very convincing, except that the Richard Steven Walz I know
know how to spell "now." And wouldn't say something lame like,

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer
I have to go to a friends and use his computer,...

He would fix his computer.

Nice try, though.

Well, let's give it a few days and see if the old Dick returns, or if this
is genuine.

Dick's latest post on the Pol Pot/Cambodia discussion gives little
indication of a changed man. Still spouting garbage in an attempt to get
the world to march in time to his single drum, but perhaps his epiphene
occured after that post.

I just do like with most stuff I find boring - I just pass by. Sometimes
something piques a little interest, and I dash off a crack of some sort,
and I can't even figure out what his politics are, except that the way
things are now, everything's wrong, and Steve has the answers for

What the hell, everything _is_ pretty much fucked up, and _everybody's_
got the final solution, so WTF?

BTW, I figured out that Buddhist thing about forsaking worldly goods -
the thing is, that until you find the happiness that's already inside,
without the goods, that the happiness that you _do_ get from the goods
is illusory. It's hard to make a convincing argument for that, because
the goods _do_ provide a reasonable enough facsimile of happiness that
most people settle.

Not a big deal, really. The thing that rankles me is guys that get into
power and start killing people. No matter what nationality.

But I'm probably not going to change that any time soon, unless I
win The Big One and can buy the election. ;-)

Remember "Brewster's Millions?"
Vote None of the Above!

"JeffM" <> wrote in message
if this is genuine.

The new improved RSW

The old RSW

You are easily spoofed.
I don't think anyone was spoofed. Just waiting to see if the tone of Dick's
posts changes.

Anyway, if this is a spoof, what's the point?

Rich Grise wrote:

"Captain" <> wrote in message

"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message

This is very convincing, except that the Richard Steven Walz I know


know how to spell "now." And wouldn't say something lame like,

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer



I have to go to a friends and use his computer,...

He would fix his computer.

Nice try, though.

Well, let's give it a few days and see if the old Dick returns, or if this
is genuine.

Dick's latest post on the Pol Pot/Cambodia discussion gives little
indication of a changed man. Still spouting garbage in an attempt to get
the world to march in time to his single drum, but perhaps his epiphene
occured after that post.


I just do like with most stuff I find boring - I just pass by. Sometimes
something piques a little interest, and I dash off a crack of some sort,
and I can't even figure out what his politics are, except that the way
things are now, everything's wrong, and Steve has the answers for

What the hell, everything _is_ pretty much fucked up, and _everybody's_
got the final solution, so WTF?

BTW, I figured out that Buddhist thing about forsaking worldly goods -
the thing is, that until you find the happiness that's already inside,
without the goods, that the happiness that you _do_ get from the goods
is illusory. It's hard to make a convincing argument for that, because
the goods _do_ provide a reasonable enough facsimile of happiness that
most people settle.
Except that the illusion is exposed as such when the
goods are taken away.

Not a big deal, really. The thing that rankles me is guys that get into
power and start killing people. No matter what nationality.
That's how that kind gets their illusion of happiness.

But I'm probably not going to change that any time soon, unless I
win The Big One and can buy the election. ;-)

Remember "Brewster's Millions?"
Vote None of the Above!
"Don't Get Fooled Again" ought to be online somewhere...

Mark L. Fergerson
What is happening, RSW ?
Something let you down ?

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my perpetrators
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for a
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often because
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know can
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I had
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own mind
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from this
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my old
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke, and
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being that
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions, I've
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted, but
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.

R. Steve Walz
JeffM wrote:
if this is a spoof, what's the point?

Children with too much time on their hands
and no adult to direct their energies.
John "Diaper Boy" Wolf, whom I trashed on another group, he just
Googled my most recent posts and slathered those groups with this
spoof. Ain't me, as you should well know, you clowns. Anyway, he
posted from a different newsservice.

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
John Larkin wrote:
On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 02:20:32 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <

Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my perpetrators
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for a
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often because
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know can
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I had
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own mind
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from this
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my old
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke, and
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being that
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions, I've
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted, but
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.

R. Steve Walz

Come on Steve, say it ain't so!

We all like you *just*the*way*you*are.

You engineers are the most fatuous of all the groups I post on.
Every other psych/soc type group figured it was a spoof and
ignored it instantly, and most figured out the source and
slammed him/reported him for TOS violation.
I've concluded over the years that engineers are limited

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or
Wong wrote:
What is happening, RSW ?
Something let you down ?
Relax. Don't you know a spoof when you see it?

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my perpetrators
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for a
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often because
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know can
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I had
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own mind
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from this
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my old
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke, and
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being that
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions, I've
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted, but
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.

R. Steve Walz
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 03:07:14 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <>

John Larkin wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 02:20:32 GMT, "R. Steve Walz" <

Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my perpetrators
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for a
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often because
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know can
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I had
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own mind
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from this
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my old
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke, and
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being that
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions, I've
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted, but
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.

R. Steve Walz

Come on Steve, say it ain't so!

We all like you *just*the*way*you*are.

You engineers are the most fatuous of all the groups I post on.
Every other psych/soc type group figured it was a spoof and
ignored it instantly, and most figured out the source and
slammed him/reported him for TOS violation.
I've concluded over the years that engineers are limited


Try a little irony now and then Steve... you never know, you might get
to like it.

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
John Larkin wrote:

Come on Steve, say it ain't so!

We all like you *just*the*way*you*are.

You engineers are the most fatuous of all the groups I post on.
Damn, Steve! I had to look that up! LOL!

Every other psych/soc type group figured it was a spoof and
ignored it instantly, and most figured out the source and
slammed him/reported him for TOS violation.
I've concluded over the years that engineers are limited
Yabbut, they can be fun to play with, no?

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 18:51:49 GMT, "Rich Grise" <>

"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
John Larkin wrote:

Come on Steve, say it ain't so!

We all like you *just*the*way*you*are.

You engineers are the most fatuous of all the groups I post on.

Damn, Steve! I had to look that up! LOL!

Every other psych/soc type group figured it was a spoof and
ignored it instantly, and most figured out the source and
slammed him/reported him for TOS violation.
I've concluded over the years that engineers are limited

Yabbut, they can be fun to play with, no?

Yup, Steve is an expert in the semiotics of insults.

Come on Steve man your not all that bad!!!

But I do hope to see the new version of you in this group more and not
your old dicky self.


"R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message news:<>...
Dear all;

I am so terribly sorry for all my hateful gestures and discourses to you
over the years. I was terribly abused as a child (even molested) and
consequently I tend to exhibit my deep hatred I feel towards my perpetrators
out on everybody who was not responsible for my childhood abuse, when in
reality I should have been receiving mental help. Well I did it, and am
know receiving help. I need to get better, I need to rid out the
deep-rooted hatred inside of me and my therapist has agreed to help, for a
minimal charge.

Wvfemale I owe you a huge apology. I have done nothing but abused your
posts, when you've been right so often, and I've been wrong. Often because
of my past I like to bounce myself over everyone, because I think I am
better than everyone, but in reality I'm extremely ignorant, and know can
see that, where as before I never thought I was wrong in anything! I had
all the answers and knew it all, and anyone who opposed my godliness
qualities, I'd easily destroy their argument being convinced in my own mind
that I succeeded, but in reality I was convincing myself and no others.

I've turned away so many parents and so much parenting discussion from this
board. I have verbally attacked many potential parents here with my
pro-choice argument, and many parents. I have spoken to them, the way I
feel about my own parents who abused me terribly as a child.

Again I apologize and please bare with me if I occasionally lure to my old
ways. I am trying to be a new person; it's just hard. But my therapist
promises that I will be a newer more attractive Steven Walz in time.

I may not post as much for two reasons. One is that my computer broke, and
I have to go to a friends and use his computer, and the second being that
over the years as a result of my obsession with posting my opinions, I've
neglected my family. We hardly communicate. This is not what I wanted, but
where as before I did not care, know I am so deeply hurt but this.

Thanks for understanding I am making some progress.

R. Steve Walz
You engineers are the most fatuous of all the groups I post on.
R. Steve Walz

Damn, Steve! I had to look that up! LOL!
Rich Grise
You mean the way you had me looking up elide? :cool:

Welcome to

