PTV780-AH01 PTV780 7P5441 C102 NAP PTV


Dave Moore

I just fixed this PTV, bad fuse on the convergence board,
and a bunch of gunk in the CRT coolant.

Looks great, except there's a bit of convergence around
the edges that could be tweaked.

Can anyone tell me how to get into service mode, and perhaps
which registers are assigned for convergence adjustments?

A friend of mine is going to pick it up wed or thurs and
sell it for the money to buy a guitar.

The guy buying it will take it as is, but
I'd really like to get it 100% right as it's such a nice looking
picture otherwise.

The SECRET CODE is : Power up set, on remote press 062597 Menu, and read the on
screen instructions carefully.
Cool thanks after hours of searching I found a bunch of
sites. Tha method is one of about three I have lined up
to try tomorrow,, er ah, well, today now :)

Thanks again

"TV Fixer1" <> wrote in message
The SECRET CODE is : Power up set, on remote press 062597 Menu, and read
the on
screen instructions carefully.
set came out beautiful.

"TV Fixer1" <> wrote in message
The SECRET CODE is : Power up set, on remote press 062597 Menu, and read
the on
screen instructions carefully.

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