PTK195 based focus/screen block potting cracking.


Jason D.

While fixing on a lightbox with twitchy focus in green CRT, noticed
something unusual so wanted to say about that cracked potting in these

I had to check on two other lightboxes to find one that's not cracked
and swapped it in other set I was working on to test, this improved
somewhat but focus still is twitching.

Well, on the focus thing, it does like this, always on that green CRT,
slowly becomes unfocused then snaps back to in focus, over and over.
Also I noticed while adjusting that focus pot for green, it's not
smooth adjustment (focus goes in steps, not linear like other red or
blue does). Same problem with old or subbed from another set of f/s

I know these has dynamic focus feature.

Interesting and any comments on both focus problem and potting
material cracking?


We recently had a similar problem on a 195 chassis.
Turned out to be some contamination under the silicon that holds the plastic
piece on the end of the CRT.
Also had to change the CRT socket on that one.

Hope this helps.

Bill Jr

"Jason D." <> wrote in message
While fixing on a lightbox with twitchy focus in green CRT, noticed
something unusual so wanted to say about that cracked potting in these

I had to check on two other lightboxes to find one that's not cracked
and swapped it in other set I was working on to test, this improved
somewhat but focus still is twitching.

Well, on the focus thing, it does like this, always on that green CRT,
slowly becomes unfocused then snaps back to in focus, over and over.
Also I noticed while adjusting that focus pot for green, it's not
smooth adjustment (focus goes in steps, not linear like other red or
blue does). Same problem with old or subbed from another set of f/s

I know these has dynamic focus feature.

Interesting and any comments on both focus problem and potting
material cracking?


On Mon, 05 Apr 2004 11:47:17 GMT, "Bill Jr" <>

We recently had a similar problem on a 195 chassis.
Turned out to be some contamination under the silicon that holds the plastic
piece on the end of the CRT.
Also had to change the CRT socket on that one.

Hope this helps.

Bill Jr
No glue this time, it was both focus/screen block & CRT socket and
general clean up of CRT board (there is no spill just in case) fixed
that jumpy focus.

Whee, I fixed other three projectors today, (pioneer SD-P5575, shuts
down instantly was bad old repair on cracked convergence board), two
PTK195 with snapped off RF connectors.



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