David Logan
Hello. I asked this question in an electronics mailing list that I am
subscribed to, but I guess the moderator went on vacation or something.
It was never sent out. So I will post my question here. It's a good
forum anyway, since it deals with some sort of pspice issue (either an
error on my part or an error in the software, I don't know which.)
So, here is the question:
Hey all! I am struggling my way through my introductory book. I have to
spend 30 minutes on every one out of three problems figuring out where I
went wrong
But enough whining about it. I have a question about
pspice for Windows (student version.)
On this one in particular, I was having trouble getting the right
answer, so I poked it into Linux/ngspice, and got an answer different
than me, and different than the book. So I poked it into pspice for
Windows (student version) and got different answers still.
This is where I learned about current sources, arrows and +/- signs with
regards to ngspice and pspice. After I fixed my circuit in ngspice, it
gives me answers that correspond with the book.
I just worked the problem by hand again, and got answers that also
correspond with the book.
Thus, my multi-question mail has now dropped to one or two questions:
1) Is pspice wrong? It must be, I think. But I'd like somebody to verify.
2) If so, did I do something wrong? Or is there an error in their
simulation code?
Since it's a pain in the butt to post all of the details in an email, I
have set up a web location to review:
- The page with the original problem. It's problem 3.15
- screen shot of the schematic, and the voltages/currents
- screen shot of the schematic in ngspice
The ngspice output files
subscribed to, but I guess the moderator went on vacation or something.
It was never sent out. So I will post my question here. It's a good
forum anyway, since it deals with some sort of pspice issue (either an
error on my part or an error in the software, I don't know which.)
So, here is the question:
Hey all! I am struggling my way through my introductory book. I have to
spend 30 minutes on every one out of three problems figuring out where I
went wrong
pspice for Windows (student version.)
On this one in particular, I was having trouble getting the right
answer, so I poked it into Linux/ngspice, and got an answer different
than me, and different than the book. So I poked it into pspice for
Windows (student version) and got different answers still.
This is where I learned about current sources, arrows and +/- signs with
regards to ngspice and pspice. After I fixed my circuit in ngspice, it
gives me answers that correspond with the book.
I just worked the problem by hand again, and got answers that also
correspond with the book.
Thus, my multi-question mail has now dropped to one or two questions:
1) Is pspice wrong? It must be, I think. But I'd like somebody to verify.
2) If so, did I do something wrong? Or is there an error in their
simulation code?
Since it's a pain in the butt to post all of the details in an email, I
have set up a web location to review:
- The page with the original problem. It's problem 3.15
- screen shot of the schematic, and the voltages/currents
- screen shot of the schematic in ngspice
The ngspice output files