I'm running a long overnight simulation, and I set up some circuitry
that would cause the circuit to have a convergence failure if a certain
condition was met so that I can save computation time on the system. I
used an S switch and configured it so that if the condition occurs the
switch would just toggle on and off and then it would hit the iteration
limit. However, PSpice finds a solution for this. I was wondering if
anyone knows the convergence routine for this switch. I've pasted a
simplified version below where I get a constant 1.2 volts at node 2
which when I look at the equations in their manual for this component,
I just can't see how that number is reached. Any insights? Thanks,
R1 2 0 1
S1 2 1 2 0 TEST
V1 1 0 12
..TEMP 27
..TRAN 2e-008 1u 0 UIC
..PRINT TRAN V(1) V(2)
..PLOT TRAN V(1) V(2)
I'm running a long overnight simulation, and I set up some circuitry
that would cause the circuit to have a convergence failure if a certain
condition was met so that I can save computation time on the system. I
used an S switch and configured it so that if the condition occurs the
switch would just toggle on and off and then it would hit the iteration
limit. However, PSpice finds a solution for this. I was wondering if
anyone knows the convergence routine for this switch. I've pasted a
simplified version below where I get a constant 1.2 volts at node 2
which when I look at the equations in their manual for this component,
I just can't see how that number is reached. Any insights? Thanks,
R1 2 0 1
S1 2 1 2 0 TEST
V1 1 0 12
..TEMP 27
..TRAN 2e-008 1u 0 UIC
..PRINT TRAN V(1) V(2)
..PLOT TRAN V(1) V(2)