Bob Penoyer
I often add labels to plots in Probe for reports, etc. Often, however,
after spending maybe 5 minutes carefully adding text, arrows, lines,
etc., when I attempt to print (typically to a Adobe Acrobat) Probe
crashes. This means I have to restart Proble, reload the date file,
and carefully add all of the labels all over again. This a pain in the
Is there a way to avoid the crashing when attempting to print? I'm
using some flavor of Version 9 of PSpice.
after spending maybe 5 minutes carefully adding text, arrows, lines,
etc., when I attempt to print (typically to a Adobe Acrobat) Probe
crashes. This means I have to restart Proble, reload the date file,
and carefully add all of the labels all over again. This a pain in the
Is there a way to avoid the crashing when attempting to print? I'm
using some flavor of Version 9 of PSpice.