According to...
"Flip-flops are set to a value dictated by the value of DIGINITSTATE,
which is set from the Global Settings
menu, or by a .OPTIONS DIGINITSTATE=<value> command somewhere in the
.... it should be possible to display and set options within
schematics. Especially for documentation I would like to do that.
But it does not work in PSpice/OrCAD 16. I have put a text string
".OPTIONS DIGINITSTATE=1" into the Capture schematic but the string is
not copied into the .sim file as (which instructs the spice
I also didn't really expect that entering simulator options as text
strings would work. And the PDF above is about Micro-Cap 6...
Does anyone know a solution for PSpice/Capture to set (and display)
simulator option within the schematics?
Norbert N.
According to...
"Flip-flops are set to a value dictated by the value of DIGINITSTATE,
which is set from the Global Settings
menu, or by a .OPTIONS DIGINITSTATE=<value> command somewhere in the
.... it should be possible to display and set options within
schematics. Especially for documentation I would like to do that.
But it does not work in PSpice/OrCAD 16. I have put a text string
".OPTIONS DIGINITSTATE=1" into the Capture schematic but the string is
not copied into the .sim file as (which instructs the spice
I also didn't really expect that entering simulator options as text
strings would work. And the PDF above is about Micro-Cap 6...
Does anyone know a solution for PSpice/Capture to set (and display)
simulator option within the schematics?
Norbert N.