Graham Holloway
I have been using Protel 98 since 1999 on my old 300MHz machine with Windows
98. Quite happy with what I have been able to achieve with it. However,
today it refused to load any of my current work and refused me access to any
of the servers and rejected the access key code. The original disk
disappeared years ago but I didn't let it bother me too much as it appeared
quite stable. It seems it isn't supported any more and Premier/Altium want
me to buy Protel 2004. I can't possibly justify the expense of this or the
need to use an advanced version of Windows and a newer machine.
I use a Norton Firewall and Virus checker, but after the reported
interception of a trojan horse today, the machine took longer to restart,
reporting an updating of the setup files.
Has anyone got any bright ideas?
Graham Holloway
WPS Electronics UK
(Tel/Fax 0(044)1233 662599)
98. Quite happy with what I have been able to achieve with it. However,
today it refused to load any of my current work and refused me access to any
of the servers and rejected the access key code. The original disk
disappeared years ago but I didn't let it bother me too much as it appeared
quite stable. It seems it isn't supported any more and Premier/Altium want
me to buy Protel 2004. I can't possibly justify the expense of this or the
need to use an advanced version of Windows and a newer machine.
I use a Norton Firewall and Virus checker, but after the reported
interception of a trojan horse today, the machine took longer to restart,
reporting an updating of the setup files.
Has anyone got any bright ideas?
Graham Holloway
WPS Electronics UK
(Tel/Fax 0(044)1233 662599)