Protel Autotrax - how to make a slot?




Does anyone know how to create a slot in the pcb using Protel Autotrax?

I can change the pad shape to "rounded rectangle" but can't change the
hole type - it stays circular. Can the hole type be changed to
something like "rounded rectangle" also (i.e. a slot and therefore give
it x and y dimensions?)

This one has me stumped - any ideas?

On 8 May 2006 18:45:36 -0700, "Andy" <> wrote:


Does anyone know how to create a slot in the pcb using Protel Autotrax?

I can change the pad shape to "rounded rectangle" but can't change the
hole type - it stays circular. Can the hole type be changed to
something like "rounded rectangle" also (i.e. a slot and therefore give
it x and y dimensions?)

This one has me stumped - any ideas?


I haven't used it myself as yet but on the RCS website

near the bottom of the page is a reference to EASYHOLE.exe.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find it. If you ask Bob (nicely)
he may help you..
On 8 May 2006 18:45:36 -0700, "Andy" <> wrote:


Does anyone know how to create a slot in the pcb using Protel Autotrax?

I can change the pad shape to "rounded rectangle" but can't change the
hole type - it stays circular. Can the hole type be changed to
something like "rounded rectangle" also (i.e. a slot and therefore give
it x and y dimensions?)

This one has me stumped - any ideas?

I guess it depends where you want the slot.

I always use the top overlay to mark out the outside dimensions of the
board by placing a top overlay "track" where the edge is. If the slot
is starting from the edge of the board then I just change the oustide
dimension track to show where the slot has to go.

If I wanted a slot inside the board I would use the same top layer
tracks to show where the slot is needed.

In either case I would make sure the PCB manufacturer knew what I was
doing or perhaps talk to him first and ask him how he wants it done.


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On 8 May 2006 18:45:36 -0700, "Andy" <> wrote:


Does anyone know how to create a slot in the pcb using Protel Autotrax?

I can change the pad shape to "rounded rectangle" but can't change the
hole type - it stays circular. Can the hole type be changed to
something like "rounded rectangle" also (i.e. a slot and therefore give
it x and y dimensions?)

This one has me stumped - any ideas?
I don't think there is a "universal' way because it depends heavily on what your
board fab's driver software makes of whatever "convention" you establish.

The late Peter Crowcroft (kits'r'us) used one method in Autotrax which is
similar to Alan's approach. However he marked it in the keep-out layer, and
sent me a sample board layout showing it. Whatever route (ouch!) you choose,
make sure your fab understands the requirement - or ask the fab anyway.
"Andy" <> wrote in news:1147139136.638490.217880
Does anyone know how to create a slot in the pcb using Protel Autotrax?
I can change the pad shape to "rounded rectangle" but can't change the
hole type - it stays circular. Can the hole type be changed to
something like "rounded rectangle" also (i.e. a slot and therefore give
it x and y dimensions?)
Well, it's been a long time, but as I remember, I used to assign
a particular layer to stuff that I wanted routed, then generated
the router tape/program from that layer. The drill tape was generated
from little circles on another layer.

Back in my day ("we couldn't afford video games, we had to make
our own fun, carved space invaders out of wood, etc, etc")...

GB, sorry, I had something else to add there, but the missus came
in and picked a fight with me over the federal-bloody-budget
or some-effing-thing, and I lost my train of thought!
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the
entrails of the last priest." (Diderot, paraphrasing Meslier)
On 8 May 2006 18:45:36 -0700, "Andy" <> wrote:


Does anyone know how to create a slot in the pcb using Protel Autotrax?

I can change the pad shape to "rounded rectangle" but can't change the
hole type - it stays circular. Can the hole type be changed to
something like "rounded rectangle" also (i.e. a slot and therefore give
it x and y dimensions?)

This one has me stumped - any ideas?

I'm not sure if Autotrax has mechanical layers, as it's so long since I've use it, but
1. Create the outline of the board on a mechanical layer using "Place Track", on say "mechanical layer 1"
2. Create any slots in the board on the same layer using "Place Track", and place text within it saying "SLOT".
3. Create arcs on the same layer with "Place Arc".
4. Ensure that the slots and any inside 90 deg corners have an adequate minimum radius for the milling/slot cutting machine.
5. Pads aren't slots, and shouldn't be confused as such. They're multilayer items.
Thanks for all the replies. Now I know there isn't a "feature" in this
software for creating a slot I will stop looking for it!
I have researched it a bit more and I think the way Budgie suggested
(using the keep-out layer) is probably the way to go.

BTW Budgie - Did you succeed with the "timing light project" ?

On 14 May 2006 20:51:34 -0700, "Andy" <> wrote:

Thanks for all the replies. Now I know there isn't a "feature" in this
software for creating a slot I will stop looking for it!
I have researched it a bit more and I think the way Budgie suggested
(using the keep-out layer) is probably the way to go.
As mentioned earlier, make sure your fab understands your requirement and
marking method.

BTW Budgie - Did you succeed with the "timing light project" ?

Aaaahhh - THAT Andy ....

Yes I did, many thanks for the hardware AND the polarity pointer. Ye olde device
now percolates light a bought one, using the pulse transformer ex
In article <>, says...

Does anyone know how to create a slot in the pcb using Protel Autotrax?

I can change the pad shape to "rounded rectangle" but can't change the
hole type - it stays circular. Can the hole type be changed to
something like "rounded rectangle" also (i.e. a slot and therefore give
it x and y dimensions?)
my pcb maker uses the keep out layer as the routing path, His route
tool is 2.5mm wide so I use a keep out layer width of 2.45mm (so it
wont make the tool oscillate in case its 'just on' its width. You
can then lay tracks together to make a slot any width or length you
want - ie. The keep out layer is the route so it is the slot etc.

Work well for making skeleton route panels,

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On 24 May 2006 07:57:20 GMT, (Mike) wrote:

my pcb maker uses the keep out layer as the routing path, His route
tool is 2.5mm wide so I use a keep out layer width of 2.45mm (so it
wont make the tool oscillate in case its 'just on' its width. You
can then lay tracks together to make a slot any width or length you
want - ie. The keep out layer is the route so it is the slot etc.

Work well for making skeleton route panels,
Is he local here in Perth, or E/S or O/S?

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