Protel 99SE



I am using Protel 99SE to design a PCB. My design has a FLASH and a
SRAM. I made the schematics for both. My problem is when I synchronise
the PCB by going to DESIGN>>UPDATE PCB, it gives me errors related to
my SRAM. It shows "node not found" for all the pins of SRAM. I am not
able to understand why is it so. I named and designated the SRAM
properly, yet it is not recognising it.


From the sounds of your description the problem is trying to
point out that the footprint is not being correctly called into
the PCB. The node not found message is alerting you to the fact
that there is no pin for it to connect a certain net to. This is
usually because of an erroneous footprint or in this case it
would seem that no footprint is being loaded at all if all pins
give the same error.
Define your footprint correctly in the schematic symbol and
make sure that the library containing that footprint is
accessible to the PCB program by having it loaded as an active
library in the PCB package.
Brad Velander

"learner" <> wrote in message
I am using Protel 99SE to design a PCB. My design has a FLASH
and a
SRAM. I made the schematics for both. My problem is when I
the PCB by going to DESIGN>>UPDATE PCB, it gives me errors
related to
my SRAM. It shows "node not found" for all the pins of SRAM. I
am not
able to understand why is it so. I named and designated the
properly, yet it is not recognising it.


Brad Velander schrieb:
From the sounds of your description the problem is trying to
point out that the footprint is not being correctly called into
the PCB. The node not found message is alerting you to the fact
that there is no pin for it to connect a certain net to. This is
usually because of an erroneous footprint or in this case it
would seem that no footprint is being loaded at all if all pins
give the same error.
Define your footprint correctly in the schematic symbol and
make sure that the library containing that footprint is
accessible to the PCB program by having it loaded as an active
library in the PCB package.
Perhaps the name of the Footprint in

Schematic Library > Components > Description > Component Text Field >

is not exactly the same as the name of the footprint in PCB Library.

I am using Protel 99SE to design a PCB. My design has a FLASH and a
SRAM. I made the schematics for both.
Did you made a footprints for them? If yes you must assign a footprints to
your devices.


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