I need to protect a 555 timer circuit that I am going to install on my
motorcycle. I'm not using a voltage regulator with this circuit. It
will have to run at the vehicle system voltage. This is because the
circuit uses a couple of constant current sources that require a
certain amount of headroom.
I tried a scheme using a couple of common diodes on the power line (one
diode placed across the line followed by a diode in series) and a zener
across the chip's power pins, all to no avail. I fried two chips.
What kind of buffering or protection can I use to block the electrical
I am thinking of an RC filter next. I don't think this circuit draws
more than about 15 mA, so if I use a resistor of a few dozen ohms it
won't drop much voltage. What kind of capacitor should I use? Also
looking for other ideas.
motorcycle. I'm not using a voltage regulator with this circuit. It
will have to run at the vehicle system voltage. This is because the
circuit uses a couple of constant current sources that require a
certain amount of headroom.
I tried a scheme using a couple of common diodes on the power line (one
diode placed across the line followed by a diode in series) and a zener
across the chip's power pins, all to no avail. I fried two chips.
What kind of buffering or protection can I use to block the electrical
I am thinking of an RC filter next. I don't think this circuit draws
more than about 15 mA, so if I use a resistor of a few dozen ohms it
won't drop much voltage. What kind of capacitor should I use? Also
looking for other ideas.