# 42
I've got a new power supply that I will be using to anodize aluminum. The
supplier says to protect it when using it in that fashion by putting a diode
inline with the positive terminal. The purpose is to prevent reverse current
flow the instant the supply is turned on. The power supply is a Mastech
HY3020e switching supply (30volts, 20amps) and if it sees even a small
voltage when turned on, it does bad things to itself. Radio Shack has 50v,
6amp diodes. Can I put 4 of these in parallel with each other to get what I
need? I'm just not sure if you can parallel diodes to increase the current
rating. Thanks in advance.
supplier says to protect it when using it in that fashion by putting a diode
inline with the positive terminal. The purpose is to prevent reverse current
flow the instant the supply is turned on. The power supply is a Mastech
HY3020e switching supply (30volts, 20amps) and if it sees even a small
voltage when turned on, it does bad things to itself. Radio Shack has 50v,
6amp diodes. Can I put 4 of these in parallel with each other to get what I
need? I'm just not sure if you can parallel diodes to increase the current
rating. Thanks in advance.