Proscan PS34190 Problem

I have a Proscan PS34190 with chassis CTC172ATA that has
developed a problem: when I press the ON button, it takes
two, three, four or more hours for it to turn on!

I took the back off, and I can see the fan twitching, and hear
something cycling - it is as if it is trying to turn on, but just
hasn't enough oomph (hope I'm not getting too technical).

I tried changing U4100 (TEA2261), but no change.

Any suggestions?

Note: I am not a technician, but I am a good solderer, and
can follow directions. Also, I have a schematic.

OR - does someone have a parts unit out of which they
could sell the module with the fan on top? Maybe if I change
that whole module I'll get lucky. Here is a picture of said


Best Regards,
Mark Buckles
San Diego

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Subject: Proscan PS34190 Problem
From: kram@kram.selkcub.moc
Date: 5/11/04 7:14 AM
Message-id: <

I have a Proscan PS34190 with chassis CTC172ATA that has
developed a problem: when I press the ON button, it takes
two, three, four or more hours for it to turn on!

This is a time bomb waiting to go off.

You can start with the electrolytics in the supply, but if that doesn't fix it,
you need to order the service manual from TCE.

John Del
Wolcott, CT

"I'm just trying to get into heaven, I'm not running for Jesus!"
Homer Simpson

(remove S for email reply)
Step #1 on a CTC170/171/172 series chassis, find someone who is a
technician and factory trained on that specific chassis to work on it
for you.

Failing Step #1, call Thomson's customer service phone number and get
the names and numbers of the Premier servicers in your area. They
might still have someone willing to work on that DOG chassis.

Not being a technician does not bode well for your chance of success.
ONLY the most experienced and/or factory trained technicians should
ever repair that chassis design. It is one of the worst to try and
work on, hands down from any manufacture since about 1990.

The only chance of success is to ESR check every critical capacitor in
the power supplies and deflection derived supplies and cross your
fingers that will fix the issues.


kram@kram.selkcub.moc wrote in message news:<>...
I have a Proscan PS34190 with chassis CTC172ATA that has
developed a problem: when I press the ON button, it takes
two, three, four or more hours for it to turn on!

I took the back off, and I can see the fan twitching, and hear
something cycling - it is as if it is trying to turn on, but just
hasn't enough oomph (hope I'm not getting too technical).

I tried changing U4100 (TEA2261), but no change.

Any suggestions?

Note: I am not a technician, but I am a good solderer, and
can follow directions. Also, I have a schematic.

OR - does someone have a parts unit out of which they
could sell the module with the fan on top? Maybe if I change
that whole module I'll get lucky. Here is a picture of said


Best Regards,
Mark Buckles
San Diego

My e-mail address is munged; either reply on this forum,
or use this e-mail address:


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