Properties of Rectangle and Label


New User ^_^

Hi Everyone ^^ ,

I'm a NEW USER of SKILL code. At the moment, I'm writing a layout
generator using SKILL. I have the following question:

I know I can use function leSearchHierarchy to put instances,
rectangles, label and whatever into a list. And I can get some
information/properties of instances by using function
geInstIdToFileSpec and geGetInstTransform. But how about rectangles
and labels? Is there any functions that can get properties of them,
e.g. text, origin x & y, rotation, bounding box, etc ??

I would be very grateful if anyone of you could answer me this
question ^.^

New User
You can access every attribute of a database object with the
squiggle arrow operator ~>

dbObject = car( geGetSelSet( ) )
(db:55033108 cellView db:55032876 objType "rect"
prop nil bBox
((0.0 0.0)
(10.0 10.0)
) children
nil groupMembers nil isAnyInst nil
isShape t matchPoints nil net
nil parent nil physConns nil
pin nil purpose "drawing" textDisplays
nil assocTextDisplays nil layerName "POLYG"
layerNum 17 lpp
("POLYG" "drawing")
((0.0 0.0)
(10.0 10.0)


New User ^_^ wrote:
Hi Everyone ^^ ,

I'm a NEW USER of SKILL code. At the moment, I'm writing a layout
generator using SKILL. I have the following question:

I know I can use function leSearchHierarchy to put instances,
rectangles, label and whatever into a list. And I can get some
information/properties of instances by using function
geInstIdToFileSpec and geGetInstTransform. But how about rectangles
and labels? Is there any functions that can get properties of them,
e.g. text, origin x & y, rotation, bounding box, etc ??

I would be very grateful if anyone of you could answer me this
question ^.^

New User

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