I have the following problem in vhdl:
There are 256 parallel incoming 16-bit-values to compare and at the
end i want to give out the maximum value and the minimum value.
I think to be economical it is not the best way to install a row of
comparators so im searching for a more efficient way.
Maybe it is clever to serialise data and compare them consecutively
but im not sure about how to do that or if there is a better solution.
If anyone has a suggestion I would be very happy.
I have the following problem in vhdl:
There are 256 parallel incoming 16-bit-values to compare and at the
end i want to give out the maximum value and the minimum value.
I think to be economical it is not the best way to install a row of
comparators so im searching for a more efficient way.
Maybe it is clever to serialise data and compare them consecutively
but im not sure about how to do that or if there is a better solution.
If anyone has a suggestion I would be very happy.